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Philips Avent Natural Response SCD838/11 newborn set, teat that works like the mother's breast, leak-free teat, 4 bottles, ultra-soft pacifier 0-6 months, bottle brush

Supports the baby's individual feeding rhythm

A teat that works like a breast

The ideal gift set for feeding and comforting the baby with a color shade. With the Natural Response teat, babies can drink at their own pace, as from the breast, facilitating the combination of breastfeeding with bottle feeding.

  • Easy combination of breastfeeding and bottle feeding;
  • Natural start of breastfeeding with a breast-shaped teat;
  • The teat releases milk only when the baby actively drinks milk;
  • Other benefits;
  • Choose the right teat flow rate for your baby;
  • The leak-free teat design prevents leaks and milk losses;
  • Compatible with the entire Philips Avent range;
  • Easy to hold even for small hands Simple to use, easy to clean and quick assembly;
  • Natural Response teats and bottles do not contain BPA*;
  • Ultra air pacifier, for the baby's sensitive skin Be patient while the baby adapts;
  • It does not allow air to enter the baby's tummy;
  • Designed to reduce colic and discomfort.

The teat releases milk only when the baby is actively sucking

The teat releases milk only when the baby is actively sucking

The Natural Response teat follows the baby's natural feeding rhythm, facilitating the combination of breast feeding with bottle feeding. The teat has a unique opening that releases milk only when the baby is actively sucking. So the flow of milk stops when the baby stops sucking to swallow and breathe.

Natural start of breastfeeding with a breast-shaped teat

Natural start of breastfeeding with a breast-shaped teat

The wide, soft and flexible teat is designed to imitate the shape and feel of a breast, helping the baby to attach and feed comfortably.

Designed to reduce colic and discomfort

Designed to reduce colic and discomfort

The anti-colic valve is designed to prevent air from entering the baby's tummy during feeding, to help reduce colic and discomfort.

The leak-free teat design prevents leakage and milk loss

The leak-free teat design prevents leakage and milk loss

The teat opening is designed to release milk only when the baby is feeding. So you can confidently avoid the loss of milk, either at home or on the go.

Simple to use, easy to clean and quick assembly

Simple to use, easy to clean and quick assembly

The wide neck of the bottle facilitates filling and cleaning. Only a few parts for quick and easy assembly.

Easy to hold even for small hands

Easy to hold even for small hands

The ergonomic bottle is easy to hold at any angle, to provide maximum comfort during feeding. Easy to hold for large and small hands.

Ultra soft pacifier, for the baby's sensitive skin

Ultra soft pacifier, for the baby's sensitive skin

The very soft and flexible disc follows the shape of the baby's cheeks, leaving fewer marks and causing less skin irritation, for a more comfortable reassurance.*

Bottle brush with curved head for easy cleaning

Bottle brush with curved head for easy cleaning

The specially curved brush head and profiled tip reach the corners of all types of wide-necked bottles, teats and feeding equipment for thorough cleaning.*

Compatible with the entire Philips Avent range

Compatible with the entire Philips Avent range

Mix and match parts of our breast pumps, bottles and cups and create the right product for you, whenever you need it.

Natural Response teats and bottles do not contain BPA*

Natural Response teats and bottles do not contain BPA*

Philips Avent Natural bottles and teats are made of BPA-free* materials.

Choose the right teat flow rate for your baby

Choose the right teat flow rate for your baby

Each baby feeds differently and develops at its own pace. We have designed a range of flow rates, so that you can find the perfect one for your baby and customize the bottle. All Natural Response teats are made of soft silicone.

Be patient while the baby adapts

Be patient while the baby adapts

Our new Natural Response bottles are different from free flow bottles. Like breastfeeding, it may take a few tries to get the hang of it. It's perfectly natural.



Product type Teat Baby bottle
Age 0-3 months 3-6 months
Material Silicone
Color White
Number of pieces 5


Capacity 125 ml 260 ml

Expediere si Livrare
Livrarea produselor pentru comenzile ce depasesc valoarea 350 Ron se face GRATUIT . In cazul comenzilor cu o valoare mai mica de 350Ron costul livrarii este 18 Ron. NU se percep taxe pentru kilometri suplimentari (localitati aflate in afara ariei de acoperire a firmei de curierat) insa timpul de livrare poate fi cu 1-2 zile mai mare. Pentru comenzile realizate pana la ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in aceeasi zi. Pentru comenzile realizate dupa ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in ziua urmatoare. Comenzile primite peste weekend se proceseaza luni in ordinea primirii comenzilor Programul DPD si SameDay de predare a coletelor este: Luni-Vineri: intre orele 9.00-16.00 Sambata: intre orele 9.00-13.00 Livrarea se face dupa ce toate produsele comandate si rezervate la furnizori au intrat in stocul nostru, in 24 - 72 ore de la lansarea comenzii. Mentiunile cu privire la eventualele probleme privind integritatea/continutul unor colete se fac in momentul livrarii pe AWB sau se intocmeste un proces verbal de constatare, se refuza primirea si plata coletului. Orice reclamatii ulterioare, cu privire la aceste aspecte, sunt nule.
Cum se comanda?
Metode de plata Aveti la dispozitie 2 modalitati de plata: 1.Plata ramburs 2.Plata online cu cardul, securizata. 1a. Plata ramburs: Plata poate fi facuta in numerar in momentul in care curierul va livreaza marfa comandata. Valoarea rambursului va fi inscrisa in factura ce insoteste marfa si aceasi cu cea comunicata in momentul plasarii comenzii (prin e-mail sau telefonic de catre un consultant ). 2a. Plata online cu cardul: Plata online cu cardul se poate face folosind serviciile Stripe(ePayment) unul dinte cei mai mari procesatori de carduri din lume. Astfel asigurand, protectia si confidentialitatea datelor introduse, la cel mai inalt grad.

PHILIPS Avent, gift set 4 x natural response bottles + anti-colic device, 0 months+

Regular price 228,99 lei

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Philips Avent Natural Response SCD838/11 newborn set, teat that works like the mother's breast, leak-free teat, 4 bottles, ultra-soft pacifier 0-6 months, bottle brush

Supports the baby's individual feeding rhythm

A teat that works like a breast

The ideal gift set for feeding and comforting the baby with a color shade. With the Natural Response teat, babies can drink at their own pace, as from the breast, facilitating the combination of breastfeeding with bottle feeding.

  • Easy combination of breastfeeding and bottle feeding;
  • Natural start of breastfeeding with a breast-shaped teat;
  • The teat releases milk only when the baby actively drinks milk;
  • Other benefits;
  • Choose the right teat flow rate for your baby;
  • The leak-free teat design prevents leaks and milk losses;
  • Compatible with the entire Philips Avent range;
  • Easy to hold even for small hands Simple to use, easy to clean and quick assembly;
  • Natural Response teats and bottles do not contain BPA*;
  • Ultra air pacifier, for the baby's sensitive skin Be patient while the baby adapts;
  • It does not allow air to enter the baby's tummy;
  • Designed to reduce colic and discomfort.

The teat releases milk only when the baby is actively sucking

The teat releases milk only when the baby is actively sucking

The Natural Response teat follows the baby's natural feeding rhythm, facilitating the combination of breast feeding with bottle feeding. The teat has a unique opening that releases milk only when the baby is actively sucking. So the flow of milk stops when the baby stops sucking to swallow and breathe.

Natural start of breastfeeding with a breast-shaped teat

Natural start of breastfeeding with a breast-shaped teat

The wide, soft and flexible teat is designed to imitate the shape and feel of a breast, helping the baby to attach and feed comfortably.

Designed to reduce colic and discomfort

Designed to reduce colic and discomfort

The anti-colic valve is designed to prevent air from entering the baby's tummy during feeding, to help reduce colic and discomfort.

The leak-free teat design prevents leakage and milk loss

The leak-free teat design prevents leakage and milk loss

The teat opening is designed to release milk only when the baby is feeding. So you can confidently avoid the loss of milk, either at home or on the go.

Simple to use, easy to clean and quick assembly

Simple to use, easy to clean and quick assembly

The wide neck of the bottle facilitates filling and cleaning. Only a few parts for quick and easy assembly.

Easy to hold even for small hands

Easy to hold even for small hands

The ergonomic bottle is easy to hold at any angle, to provide maximum comfort during feeding. Easy to hold for large and small hands.

Ultra soft pacifier, for the baby's sensitive skin

Ultra soft pacifier, for the baby's sensitive skin

The very soft and flexible disc follows the shape of the baby's cheeks, leaving fewer marks and causing less skin irritation, for a more comfortable reassurance.*

Bottle brush with curved head for easy cleaning

Bottle brush with curved head for easy cleaning

The specially curved brush head and profiled tip reach the corners of all types of wide-necked bottles, teats and feeding equipment for thorough cleaning.*

Compatible with the entire Philips Avent range

Compatible with the entire Philips Avent range

Mix and match parts of our breast pumps, bottles and cups and create the right product for you, whenever you need it.

Natural Response teats and bottles do not contain BPA*

Natural Response teats and bottles do not contain BPA*

Philips Avent Natural bottles and teats are made of BPA-free* materials.

Choose the right teat flow rate for your baby

Choose the right teat flow rate for your baby

Each baby feeds differently and develops at its own pace. We have designed a range of flow rates, so that you can find the perfect one for your baby and customize the bottle. All Natural Response teats are made of soft silicone.

Be patient while the baby adapts

Be patient while the baby adapts

Our new Natural Response bottles are different from free flow bottles. Like breastfeeding, it may take a few tries to get the hang of it. It's perfectly natural.



Product type Teat Baby bottle
Age 0-3 months 3-6 months
Material Silicone
Color White
Number of pieces 5


Capacity 125 ml 260 ml

Expediere si Livrare
Livrarea produselor pentru comenzile ce depasesc valoarea 350 Ron se face GRATUIT . In cazul comenzilor cu o valoare mai mica de 350Ron costul livrarii este 18 Ron. NU se percep taxe pentru kilometri suplimentari (localitati aflate in afara ariei de acoperire a firmei de curierat) insa timpul de livrare poate fi cu 1-2 zile mai mare. Pentru comenzile realizate pana la ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in aceeasi zi. Pentru comenzile realizate dupa ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in ziua urmatoare. Comenzile primite peste weekend se proceseaza luni in ordinea primirii comenzilor Programul DPD si SameDay de predare a coletelor este: Luni-Vineri: intre orele 9.00-16.00 Sambata: intre orele 9.00-13.00 Livrarea se face dupa ce toate produsele comandate si rezervate la furnizori au intrat in stocul nostru, in 24 - 72 ore de la lansarea comenzii. Mentiunile cu privire la eventualele probleme privind integritatea/continutul unor colete se fac in momentul livrarii pe AWB sau se intocmeste un proces verbal de constatare, se refuza primirea si plata coletului. Orice reclamatii ulterioare, cu privire la aceste aspecte, sunt nule.
Cum se comanda?
Metode de plata Aveti la dispozitie 2 modalitati de plata: 1.Plata ramburs 2.Plata online cu cardul, securizata. 1a. Plata ramburs: Plata poate fi facuta in numerar in momentul in care curierul va livreaza marfa comandata. Valoarea rambursului va fi inscrisa in factura ce insoteste marfa si aceasi cu cea comunicata in momentul plasarii comenzii (prin e-mail sau telefonic de catre un consultant ). 2a. Plata online cu cardul: Plata online cu cardul se poate face folosind serviciile Stripe(ePayment) unul dinte cei mai mari procesatori de carduri din lume. Astfel asigurand, protectia si confidentialitatea datelor introduse, la cel mai inalt grad.
PHILIPS Avent, set cadou 4 x biberoane natural response + dispozitiv anticolici, 0 luni+ infant-ro
PHILIPS Avent, gift set 4 x natural response bottles + anti-colic device, 0 months+

Size Guide

Size Guide

Size Guide


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Expediere si Livrare

Livrarea produselor pentru comenzile ce depasesc valoarea 350 Ron se face GRATUIT .

In cazul comenzilor cu o valoare mai mica de 350Ron costul livrarii este 18 Ron.

Metode de plata

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Plata poate fi facuta in numerar in momentul in care curierul va livreaza marfa comandata.
2. Plata online cu cardul:
Plata online cu cardul astfel asigurand, protectia si confidentialitatea datelor introduse.

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