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Bio GERBER Puree, Peas, Broccoli and Pumpkin, 125 g, from 6 months

GERBER BIO Peas, Broccoli and Zucchini, baby puree for starting diversification, from 6 months, 125g.

Peas, Broccoli and Zucchini. Ecological product, pasteurized, food intended for infants and young children.

Ingredients: peas* 35%, broccoli* 30%, water, zucchini * 5%.

Gluten free. *

Everything for your baby. * From ecological production.

GERBER Peas, Broccoli and Pumpkin, 125g, offers your baby the natural goodness of vegetables, to contribute to the development of taste through various ingredients, carefully selected, from ecological productions, with care for the environment.

GERBER Peas, Broccoli and Pumpkin, 125g, has a delicate texture, is finely mashed, suitable for starting diversification. It is an excellent choice for a new taste to be offered to the baby to start diversifying. Follow the consumption instructions on the packaging. Nestlé supports the recommendation of the World Health Organization regarding exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months and starting to use the product from this age in parallel with the continuation of breastfeeding. Consult the doctor regarding the timing of introducing this product into the infant's diet. - No added salt - the salt content is due exclusively to the presence of sodium naturally in the ingredients. - Without added preservatives and colorings (according to the legislation in force) - DOES NOT CONTAIN GLUTEN - BIO / ECOLOGICAL, GERBER Peas, Broccoli and Pumpkin, 125g, has a delicate texture, is finely mashed, suitable for starting diversification. It is an excellent choice for a new taste to be offered to the baby for the beginning of diversification. GERBER Peas, Broccoli and Zucchini, 125g, offers your baby the natural goodness of vegetables, to contribute to the development of taste through various ingredients, carefully selected, from ecological products , with care for the environment.- No added salt - the salt content is exclusively due to the presence of sodium naturally in the ingredients.

Without added preservatives and colorings (according to the legislation in force) - DOES NOT CONTAIN GLUTEN - BIO / ECOLOGICAL.

Gerber logo and symbol, meaning, history, PNG



Age 6-9 months
ingredients Broccoli Peas Zucchini
Quantity/piece 125 g
Number of pieces 1
Special diet Gluten free

Expediere si Livrare
Livrarea produselor pentru comenzile ce depasesc valoarea 350 Ron se face GRATUIT . In cazul comenzilor cu o valoare mai mica de 350Ron costul livrarii este 18 Ron. NU se percep taxe pentru kilometri suplimentari (localitati aflate in afara ariei de acoperire a firmei de curierat) insa timpul de livrare poate fi cu 1-2 zile mai mare. Pentru comenzile realizate pana la ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in aceeasi zi. Pentru comenzile realizate dupa ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in ziua urmatoare. Comenzile primite peste weekend se proceseaza luni in ordinea primirii comenzilor Programul DPD si SameDay de predare a coletelor este: Luni-Vineri: intre orele 9.00-16.00 Sambata: intre orele 9.00-13.00 Livrarea se face dupa ce toate produsele comandate si rezervate la furnizori au intrat in stocul nostru, in 24 - 72 ore de la lansarea comenzii. Mentiunile cu privire la eventualele probleme privind integritatea/continutul unor colete se fac in momentul livrarii pe AWB sau se intocmeste un proces verbal de constatare, se refuza primirea si plata coletului. Orice reclamatii ulterioare, cu privire la aceste aspecte, sunt nule.
Cum se comanda?
Metode de plata Aveti la dispozitie 2 modalitati de plata: 1.Plata ramburs 2.Plata online cu cardul, securizata. 1a. Plata ramburs: Plata poate fi facuta in numerar in momentul in care curierul va livreaza marfa comandata. Valoarea rambursului va fi inscrisa in factura ce insoteste marfa si aceasi cu cea comunicata in momentul plasarii comenzii (prin e-mail sau telefonic de catre un consultant ). 2a. Plata online cu cardul: Plata online cu cardul se poate face folosind serviciile Stripe(ePayment) unul dinte cei mai mari procesatori de carduri din lume. Astfel asigurand, protectia si confidentialitatea datelor introduse, la cel mai inalt grad.

GERBER Bio, puree, peas, broccoli and zucchini, 125 g

Regular price 11,99 lei

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Bio GERBER Puree, Peas, Broccoli and Pumpkin, 125 g, from 6 months

GERBER BIO Peas, Broccoli and Zucchini, baby puree for starting diversification, from 6 months, 125g.

Peas, Broccoli and Zucchini. Ecological product, pasteurized, food intended for infants and young children.

Ingredients: peas* 35%, broccoli* 30%, water, zucchini * 5%.

Gluten free. *

Everything for your baby. * From ecological production.

GERBER Peas, Broccoli and Pumpkin, 125g, offers your baby the natural goodness of vegetables, to contribute to the development of taste through various ingredients, carefully selected, from ecological productions, with care for the environment.

GERBER Peas, Broccoli and Pumpkin, 125g, has a delicate texture, is finely mashed, suitable for starting diversification. It is an excellent choice for a new taste to be offered to the baby to start diversifying. Follow the consumption instructions on the packaging. Nestlé supports the recommendation of the World Health Organization regarding exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months and starting to use the product from this age in parallel with the continuation of breastfeeding. Consult the doctor regarding the timing of introducing this product into the infant's diet. - No added salt - the salt content is due exclusively to the presence of sodium naturally in the ingredients. - Without added preservatives and colorings (according to the legislation in force) - DOES NOT CONTAIN GLUTEN - BIO / ECOLOGICAL, GERBER Peas, Broccoli and Pumpkin, 125g, has a delicate texture, is finely mashed, suitable for starting diversification. It is an excellent choice for a new taste to be offered to the baby for the beginning of diversification. GERBER Peas, Broccoli and Zucchini, 125g, offers your baby the natural goodness of vegetables, to contribute to the development of taste through various ingredients, carefully selected, from ecological products , with care for the environment.- No added salt - the salt content is exclusively due to the presence of sodium naturally in the ingredients.

Without added preservatives and colorings (according to the legislation in force) - DOES NOT CONTAIN GLUTEN - BIO / ECOLOGICAL.

Gerber logo and symbol, meaning, history, PNG



Age 6-9 months
ingredients Broccoli Peas Zucchini
Quantity/piece 125 g
Number of pieces 1
Special diet Gluten free

Expediere si Livrare
Livrarea produselor pentru comenzile ce depasesc valoarea 350 Ron se face GRATUIT . In cazul comenzilor cu o valoare mai mica de 350Ron costul livrarii este 18 Ron. NU se percep taxe pentru kilometri suplimentari (localitati aflate in afara ariei de acoperire a firmei de curierat) insa timpul de livrare poate fi cu 1-2 zile mai mare. Pentru comenzile realizate pana la ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in aceeasi zi. Pentru comenzile realizate dupa ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in ziua urmatoare. Comenzile primite peste weekend se proceseaza luni in ordinea primirii comenzilor Programul DPD si SameDay de predare a coletelor este: Luni-Vineri: intre orele 9.00-16.00 Sambata: intre orele 9.00-13.00 Livrarea se face dupa ce toate produsele comandate si rezervate la furnizori au intrat in stocul nostru, in 24 - 72 ore de la lansarea comenzii. Mentiunile cu privire la eventualele probleme privind integritatea/continutul unor colete se fac in momentul livrarii pe AWB sau se intocmeste un proces verbal de constatare, se refuza primirea si plata coletului. Orice reclamatii ulterioare, cu privire la aceste aspecte, sunt nule.
Cum se comanda?
Metode de plata Aveti la dispozitie 2 modalitati de plata: 1.Plata ramburs 2.Plata online cu cardul, securizata. 1a. Plata ramburs: Plata poate fi facuta in numerar in momentul in care curierul va livreaza marfa comandata. Valoarea rambursului va fi inscrisa in factura ce insoteste marfa si aceasi cu cea comunicata in momentul plasarii comenzii (prin e-mail sau telefonic de catre un consultant ). 2a. Plata online cu cardul: Plata online cu cardul se poate face folosind serviciile Stripe(ePayment) unul dinte cei mai mari procesatori de carduri din lume. Astfel asigurand, protectia si confidentialitatea datelor introduse, la cel mai inalt grad.
GERBER Bio, piure, mazare, broccoli si dovlecel, 125 g infant-ro
GERBER Bio, puree, peas, broccoli and zucchini, 125 g

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Expediere si Livrare

Livrarea produselor pentru comenzile ce depasesc valoarea 350 Ron se face GRATUIT .

In cazul comenzilor cu o valoare mai mica de 350Ron costul livrarii este 18 Ron.

Metode de plata

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2. Plata online cu cardul:
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