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When a baby enters your life, it is essential to be prepared in all aspects. Why not start with a versatile stroller that benefits both you as a parent and your little one? Coccolle Melora is a complete 3-in-1 set, suitable from birth to about 3 years. This convertible pushchair can easily be converted between pushchair and sports unit to give you the versatility you need in the modern world. In the first months of life, use the bassinet when the baby requires a completely horizontal position, then switch to the sports unit when the little one is ready to sit on his own. The transformation of the stroller is simple, with the help of support straps, in just 2 steps.

This multifunctional and adjustable product adapts to your child's needs: the stroller's backrest can be adjusted in several positions (3 positions - 100 degrees, 145 degrees, 180 degrees), and the fact that the transformable unit adjusts using a strap system allows customization according to the child's needs. The awning is also generous and can be fixed in several positions, depending on the weather or your little one's preferences.

Discover the world with your child as he grows and becomes more curious, using the reversible sports unit that adapts to his needs. With the help of the straps, the pram becomes a comfortable sports unit, which can be positioned facing or facing the direction of travel. The backrest can be adjusted independently of the footrest, ensuring a comfortable sleeping position even for older children. This convertible stroller quickly adapts to your child's needs.

In addition, the stroller folds ultra-compactly without taking up much space, even when the convertible unit remains mounted on the frame. This easy folding allows storage in the smallest spaces, in narrow elevators, in the aisles of small shops or in the trunks of compact cars. The stroller remains upright after folding.

The set also includes a car seat and adapters to make the car seat a suitable option for short walks when the baby is still sleeping. The Melora car seat comes with essential accessories for comfort and safety: reducing cushion, canopy and seat belts, and can be used in the car with the seat belts. It can be used up to a weight of 13 kg.

Children who are used to traveling in the infant car seat from birth will probably have no difficulty adjusting to and traveling in this way.

In addition, the stroller comes with various useful accessories such as a generous shopping basket, warm foot cover, bug cover, rain cover and a bag for mums.

Features of the stroller:

  • All components can be quickly mounted/dismounted from the frame.
  • Aluminum frame.
  • Easy folding mechanism.
  • The sports unit can be used both ways.
  • Height adjustable handle.
  • The pram function is specially designed for newborns (from birth to a maximum of 9 kg).
  • Adjustable backrest in 3 different positions for the sports unit, up to the sleeping position.
  • It is equipped with a generous canopy and a leg cover for colder weather.
  • Manual correction - Car seat for children 0-13 kg - point 4.1: The period in which you can remove the reducing cushion depends on the approximate weight of 6 kg, depending on the constitution of each child.
Expediere si Livrare
Livrarea produselor pentru comenzile ce depasesc valoarea 350 Ron se face GRATUIT . In cazul comenzilor cu o valoare mai mica de 350Ron costul livrarii este 18 Ron. NU se percep taxe pentru kilometri suplimentari (localitati aflate in afara ariei de acoperire a firmei de curierat) insa timpul de livrare poate fi cu 1-2 zile mai mare. Pentru comenzile realizate pana la ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in aceeasi zi. Pentru comenzile realizate dupa ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in ziua urmatoare. Comenzile primite peste weekend se proceseaza luni in ordinea primirii comenzilor Programul DPD si SameDay de predare a coletelor este: Luni-Vineri: intre orele 9.00-16.00 Sambata: intre orele 9.00-13.00 Livrarea se face dupa ce toate produsele comandate si rezervate la furnizori au intrat in stocul nostru, in 24 - 72 ore de la lansarea comenzii. Mentiunile cu privire la eventualele probleme privind integritatea/continutul unor colete se fac in momentul livrarii pe AWB sau se intocmeste un proces verbal de constatare, se refuza primirea si plata coletului. Orice reclamatii ulterioare, cu privire la aceste aspecte, sunt nule.
Cum se comanda?
Metode de plata Aveti la dispozitie 2 modalitati de plata: 1.Plata ramburs 2.Plata online cu cardul, securizata. 1a. Plata ramburs: Plata poate fi facuta in numerar in momentul in care curierul va livreaza marfa comandata. Valoarea rambursului va fi inscrisa in factura ce insoteste marfa si aceasi cu cea comunicata in momentul plasarii comenzii (prin e-mail sau telefonic de catre un consultant ). 2a. Plata online cu cardul: Plata online cu cardul se poate face folosind serviciile Stripe(ePayment) unul dinte cei mai mari procesatori de carduri din lume. Astfel asigurand, protectia si confidentialitatea datelor introduse, la cel mai inalt grad.

Coccolle 3in1 convertible stroller

Sale price 1.299,00 lei
Regular price 1.450,00 leiYou saved 10% OFF

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When a baby enters your life, it is essential to be prepared in all aspects. Why not start with a versatile stroller that benefits both you as a parent and your little one? Coccolle Melora is a complete 3-in-1 set, suitable from birth to about 3 years. This convertible pushchair can easily be converted between pushchair and sports unit to give you the versatility you need in the modern world. In the first months of life, use the bassinet when the baby requires a completely horizontal position, then switch to the sports unit when the little one is ready to sit on his own. The transformation of the stroller is simple, with the help of support straps, in just 2 steps.

This multifunctional and adjustable product adapts to your child's needs: the stroller's backrest can be adjusted in several positions (3 positions - 100 degrees, 145 degrees, 180 degrees), and the fact that the transformable unit adjusts using a strap system allows customization according to the child's needs. The awning is also generous and can be fixed in several positions, depending on the weather or your little one's preferences.

Discover the world with your child as he grows and becomes more curious, using the reversible sports unit that adapts to his needs. With the help of the straps, the pram becomes a comfortable sports unit, which can be positioned facing or facing the direction of travel. The backrest can be adjusted independently of the footrest, ensuring a comfortable sleeping position even for older children. This convertible stroller quickly adapts to your child's needs.

In addition, the stroller folds ultra-compactly without taking up much space, even when the convertible unit remains mounted on the frame. This easy folding allows storage in the smallest spaces, in narrow elevators, in the aisles of small shops or in the trunks of compact cars. The stroller remains upright after folding.

The set also includes a car seat and adapters to make the car seat a suitable option for short walks when the baby is still sleeping. The Melora car seat comes with essential accessories for comfort and safety: reducing cushion, canopy and seat belts, and can be used in the car with the seat belts. It can be used up to a weight of 13 kg.

Children who are used to traveling in the infant car seat from birth will probably have no difficulty adjusting to and traveling in this way.

In addition, the stroller comes with various useful accessories such as a generous shopping basket, warm foot cover, bug cover, rain cover and a bag for mums.

Features of the stroller:

  • All components can be quickly mounted/dismounted from the frame.
  • Aluminum frame.
  • Easy folding mechanism.
  • The sports unit can be used both ways.
  • Height adjustable handle.
  • The pram function is specially designed for newborns (from birth to a maximum of 9 kg).
  • Adjustable backrest in 3 different positions for the sports unit, up to the sleeping position.
  • It is equipped with a generous canopy and a leg cover for colder weather.
  • Manual correction - Car seat for children 0-13 kg - point 4.1: The period in which you can remove the reducing cushion depends on the approximate weight of 6 kg, depending on the constitution of each child.
Expediere si Livrare
Livrarea produselor pentru comenzile ce depasesc valoarea 350 Ron se face GRATUIT . In cazul comenzilor cu o valoare mai mica de 350Ron costul livrarii este 18 Ron. NU se percep taxe pentru kilometri suplimentari (localitati aflate in afara ariei de acoperire a firmei de curierat) insa timpul de livrare poate fi cu 1-2 zile mai mare. Pentru comenzile realizate pana la ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in aceeasi zi. Pentru comenzile realizate dupa ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in ziua urmatoare. Comenzile primite peste weekend se proceseaza luni in ordinea primirii comenzilor Programul DPD si SameDay de predare a coletelor este: Luni-Vineri: intre orele 9.00-16.00 Sambata: intre orele 9.00-13.00 Livrarea se face dupa ce toate produsele comandate si rezervate la furnizori au intrat in stocul nostru, in 24 - 72 ore de la lansarea comenzii. Mentiunile cu privire la eventualele probleme privind integritatea/continutul unor colete se fac in momentul livrarii pe AWB sau se intocmeste un proces verbal de constatare, se refuza primirea si plata coletului. Orice reclamatii ulterioare, cu privire la aceste aspecte, sunt nule.
Cum se comanda?
Metode de plata Aveti la dispozitie 2 modalitati de plata: 1.Plata ramburs 2.Plata online cu cardul, securizata. 1a. Plata ramburs: Plata poate fi facuta in numerar in momentul in care curierul va livreaza marfa comandata. Valoarea rambursului va fi inscrisa in factura ce insoteste marfa si aceasi cu cea comunicata in momentul plasarii comenzii (prin e-mail sau telefonic de catre un consultant ). 2a. Plata online cu cardul: Plata online cu cardul se poate face folosind serviciile Stripe(ePayment) unul dinte cei mai mari procesatori de carduri din lume. Astfel asigurand, protectia si confidentialitatea datelor introduse, la cel mai inalt grad.
Carucior transformabil 3in1 Coccolle infant-ro
Coccolle 3in1 convertible stroller

Size Guide

Size Guide

Size Guide


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Livrarea produselor pentru comenzile ce depasesc valoarea 350 Ron se face GRATUIT .

In cazul comenzilor cu o valoare mai mica de 350Ron costul livrarii este 18 Ron.

Metode de plata

1. Plata ramburs:
Plata poate fi facuta in numerar in momentul in care curierul va livreaza marfa comandata.
2. Plata online cu cardul:
Plata online cu cardul astfel asigurand, protectia si confidentialitatea datelor introduse.

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