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Discover the new Lionelo Confort Mya Gri baby stroller - the perfect partner for relaxing and stylish walks in the city! Suitable from birth to approx. 3.5 years (0-15 kg), this compact stroller offers you all the comfort and safety you need.

Mya from Bebe Confort is a smart and easy-to-use pushchair, with a width of only 54 cm, so it can easily fit into any lift. With its ergonomic one-handed folding/unfolding system, you won't have to bend down and strain to use it. It's perfect for active and on-the-go parents!

This stroller has many features that ensure the comfort and safety of your baby. The generous padded seat, in combination with its extendable hood, offers protection from sun and rain. The adjustable backrest allows the baby to rest in a horizontal position, and the sports part is reversible, allowing it to face either the parent or the back.

With the help of the Bebe Confort 5-point belts and the removable bumper, you can be sure that your baby is completely safe during walks. The Lionelo Confort Mya Gri stroller is also easy for parents to use. With its robust and lightweight wheels, it is easily maneuvered on urban streets. The spacious shopping basket allows you to always have everything you need close at hand, and the easy braking system ensures maximum stability.

For greater ease of maintenance, the covers of the Lionelo Confort Mya Gri stroller are removable and washable, so you can always keep the stroller looking immaculate.

  • Ergonomic folding/unfolding system with one hand, without bending over
  • Generous and padded seat, with adjustable backrest that allows a horizontal position

Choose Lionelo Confort Mya Gri and turn your walks into a pleasant and comfortable experience! Give your baby all the comfort and safety he needs and enjoy every special moment together.

Expediere si Livrare
Livrarea produselor pentru comenzile ce depasesc valoarea 350 Ron se face GRATUIT . In cazul comenzilor cu o valoare mai mica de 350Ron costul livrarii este 18 Ron. NU se percep taxe pentru kilometri suplimentari (localitati aflate in afara ariei de acoperire a firmei de curierat) insa timpul de livrare poate fi cu 1-2 zile mai mare. Pentru comenzile realizate pana la ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in aceeasi zi. Pentru comenzile realizate dupa ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in ziua urmatoare. Comenzile primite peste weekend se proceseaza luni in ordinea primirii comenzilor Programul DPD si SameDay de predare a coletelor este: Luni-Vineri: intre orele 9.00-16.00 Sambata: intre orele 9.00-13.00 Livrarea se face dupa ce toate produsele comandate si rezervate la furnizori au intrat in stocul nostru, in 24 - 72 ore de la lansarea comenzii. Mentiunile cu privire la eventualele probleme privind integritatea/continutul unor colete se fac in momentul livrarii pe AWB sau se intocmeste un proces verbal de constatare, se refuza primirea si plata coletului. Orice reclamatii ulterioare, cu privire la aceste aspecte, sunt nule.
Cum se comanda?
Metode de plata Aveti la dispozitie 2 modalitati de plata: 1.Plata ramburs 2.Plata online cu cardul, securizata. 1a. Plata ramburs: Plata poate fi facuta in numerar in momentul in care curierul va livreaza marfa comandata. Valoarea rambursului va fi inscrisa in factura ce insoteste marfa si aceasi cu cea comunicata in momentul plasarii comenzii (prin e-mail sau telefonic de catre un consultant ). 2a. Plata online cu cardul: Plata online cu cardul se poate face folosind serviciile Stripe(ePayment) unul dinte cei mai mari procesatori de carduri din lume. Astfel asigurand, protectia si confidentialitatea datelor introduse, la cel mai inalt grad.

Lionelo Confort Mya Baby Stroller Gray

Regular price 780,00 lei

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Discover the new Lionelo Confort Mya Gri baby stroller - the perfect partner for relaxing and stylish walks in the city! Suitable from birth to approx. 3.5 years (0-15 kg), this compact stroller offers you all the comfort and safety you need.

Mya from Bebe Confort is a smart and easy-to-use pushchair, with a width of only 54 cm, so it can easily fit into any lift. With its ergonomic one-handed folding/unfolding system, you won't have to bend down and strain to use it. It's perfect for active and on-the-go parents!

This stroller has many features that ensure the comfort and safety of your baby. The generous padded seat, in combination with its extendable hood, offers protection from sun and rain. The adjustable backrest allows the baby to rest in a horizontal position, and the sports part is reversible, allowing it to face either the parent or the back.

With the help of the Bebe Confort 5-point belts and the removable bumper, you can be sure that your baby is completely safe during walks. The Lionelo Confort Mya Gri stroller is also easy for parents to use. With its robust and lightweight wheels, it is easily maneuvered on urban streets. The spacious shopping basket allows you to always have everything you need close at hand, and the easy braking system ensures maximum stability.

For greater ease of maintenance, the covers of the Lionelo Confort Mya Gri stroller are removable and washable, so you can always keep the stroller looking immaculate.

  • Ergonomic folding/unfolding system with one hand, without bending over
  • Generous and padded seat, with adjustable backrest that allows a horizontal position

Choose Lionelo Confort Mya Gri and turn your walks into a pleasant and comfortable experience! Give your baby all the comfort and safety he needs and enjoy every special moment together.

Expediere si Livrare
Livrarea produselor pentru comenzile ce depasesc valoarea 350 Ron se face GRATUIT . In cazul comenzilor cu o valoare mai mica de 350Ron costul livrarii este 18 Ron. NU se percep taxe pentru kilometri suplimentari (localitati aflate in afara ariei de acoperire a firmei de curierat) insa timpul de livrare poate fi cu 1-2 zile mai mare. Pentru comenzile realizate pana la ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in aceeasi zi. Pentru comenzile realizate dupa ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in ziua urmatoare. Comenzile primite peste weekend se proceseaza luni in ordinea primirii comenzilor Programul DPD si SameDay de predare a coletelor este: Luni-Vineri: intre orele 9.00-16.00 Sambata: intre orele 9.00-13.00 Livrarea se face dupa ce toate produsele comandate si rezervate la furnizori au intrat in stocul nostru, in 24 - 72 ore de la lansarea comenzii. Mentiunile cu privire la eventualele probleme privind integritatea/continutul unor colete se fac in momentul livrarii pe AWB sau se intocmeste un proces verbal de constatare, se refuza primirea si plata coletului. Orice reclamatii ulterioare, cu privire la aceste aspecte, sunt nule.
Cum se comanda?
Metode de plata Aveti la dispozitie 2 modalitati de plata: 1.Plata ramburs 2.Plata online cu cardul, securizata. 1a. Plata ramburs: Plata poate fi facuta in numerar in momentul in care curierul va livreaza marfa comandata. Valoarea rambursului va fi inscrisa in factura ce insoteste marfa si aceasi cu cea comunicata in momentul plasarii comenzii (prin e-mail sau telefonic de catre un consultant ). 2a. Plata online cu cardul: Plata online cu cardul se poate face folosind serviciile Stripe(ePayment) unul dinte cei mai mari procesatori de carduri din lume. Astfel asigurand, protectia si confidentialitatea datelor introduse, la cel mai inalt grad.
Carucior Bebe Lionelo Confort Mya Gri |  |
Lionelo Confort Mya Baby Stroller Gray

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Expediere si Livrare

Livrarea produselor pentru comenzile ce depasesc valoarea 350 Ron se face GRATUIT .

In cazul comenzilor cu o valoare mai mica de 350Ron costul livrarii este 18 Ron.

Metode de plata

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Plata poate fi facuta in numerar in momentul in care curierul va livreaza marfa comandata.
2. Plata online cu cardul:
Plata online cu cardul astfel asigurand, protectia si confidentialitatea datelor introduse.

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