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Gillette Blue3 disposable razor,
Disposable razor with 3 blades

Gillette razors have blades that automatically adjust to the contours of the face for added comfort during shaving. The lubricating strip guarantees a smooth glide on the skin, and the special shape ensures a superior rinse, compared to razors with 2 blades. Thus you will enjoy up to 10 comfortable uses.
Get a smoother shave*

The blades mounted on springs from Gillette adjust to the contours of the face and offer you a smooth and precise shave. In addition, the water passes between the blades of the device, providing a superior rinse compared to 2-blade razors.
* compared to razors with 2 blades
Enjoy a comfortable shave up to 10 times

The water activated lubricating strip gives your skin the lubrication it needs. Thus, the sliding of the blades on the skin is as smooth as possible, and you enjoy up to 10 comfortable uses.
Extra protection for a safe shave

The protective micro-slats stretch your skin before the blades pass, providing extra protection against accidental cuts.
Maximum control

The handle is provided with an elastomer coating, which does not slip even when wet. Thus you can control the device in any conditions, superior to razors with 2 blades.
Tips for the best shave from Gillette

Is it advisable to use hot, cold or warm water when you shave?

Answer: Warm water provides the best hydration to beard hairs. Wetting with warm water softens the hair and dilates the pores of the skin, so the beard will be easier to cut.

What are the best methods to avoid razor irritation?

Answer: If the skin is not properly prepared in advance or if the blade of your razor is dull, the chances of irritating your skin increase. Make sure that you moisturize your beard hairs in warm water for about 3 minutes and that you have applied enough shaving gel. We also recommend changing the blade at the first signs of dullness or discomfort

Does shaving cause hair thickening?

Answer: Gillette researchers have conducted repeated tests on the effects of shaving on hair growth, texture and color, both among men and among women. Tests have shown that shaving does not change the growth, texture and color of the hair. Shaving, on the other hand, alters the shape of the tips of the grown hair, which can influence the way the hair feels and how it grows back. But if the hair is allowed to grow back completely, it will return to its original shape.

- Is there a certain direction in which I should shave to get the best shave?

Answer: Men's facial hair tends to grow in different directions. Start shaving with light, gentle movements in the direction of hair growth. Then, if necessary, perform the movement in the opposite direction of the hairs, for a more precise shave

How can I avoid cuts and scratches, especially those above the upper lip?

Answer: The area immediately above the upper lip is sensitive for many men. To avoid cuts and scratches, always leave it last. Apply enough shaving gel and allow this area to absorb as much foam as possible. When shaving, don't apply too much pressure. The Gillette Fusion ProGlide precision trimmer is very useful when shaving under the nose.



Body area Face
Shaver type Single use
Series Blue 3
Compatible series Blue 3
Skin type Normal
Number of blades 3
Number of pieces/set 12
Set Yes
Package contents 12 x Disposable razor
Color Gray Blue
Expediere si Livrare
Livrarea produselor pentru comenzile ce depasesc valoarea 350 Ron se face GRATUIT . In cazul comenzilor cu o valoare mai mica de 350Ron costul livrarii este 18 Ron. NU se percep taxe pentru kilometri suplimentari (localitati aflate in afara ariei de acoperire a firmei de curierat) insa timpul de livrare poate fi cu 1-2 zile mai mare. Pentru comenzile realizate pana la ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in aceeasi zi. Pentru comenzile realizate dupa ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in ziua urmatoare. Comenzile primite peste weekend se proceseaza luni in ordinea primirii comenzilor Programul DPD si SameDay de predare a coletelor este: Luni-Vineri: intre orele 9.00-16.00 Sambata: intre orele 9.00-13.00 Livrarea se face dupa ce toate produsele comandate si rezervate la furnizori au intrat in stocul nostru, in 24 - 72 ore de la lansarea comenzii. Mentiunile cu privire la eventualele probleme privind integritatea/continutul unor colete se fac in momentul livrarii pe AWB sau se intocmeste un proces verbal de constatare, se refuza primirea si plata coletului. Orice reclamatii ulterioare, cu privire la aceste aspecte, sunt nule.
Cum se comanda?
Metode de plata Aveti la dispozitie 2 modalitati de plata: 1.Plata ramburs 2.Plata online cu cardul, securizata. 1a. Plata ramburs: Plata poate fi facuta in numerar in momentul in care curierul va livreaza marfa comandata. Valoarea rambursului va fi inscrisa in factura ce insoteste marfa si aceasi cu cea comunicata in momentul plasarii comenzii (prin e-mail sau telefonic de catre un consultant ). 2a. Plata online cu cardul: Plata online cu cardul se poate face folosind serviciile Stripe(ePayment) unul dinte cei mai mari procesatori de carduri din lume. Astfel asigurand, protectia si confidentialitatea datelor introduse, la cel mai inalt grad.

Gillette Blue3 disposable razor

Regular price 14,99 lei

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Gillette Blue3 disposable razor,
Disposable razor with 3 blades

Gillette razors have blades that automatically adjust to the contours of the face for added comfort during shaving. The lubricating strip guarantees a smooth glide on the skin, and the special shape ensures a superior rinse, compared to razors with 2 blades. Thus you will enjoy up to 10 comfortable uses.
Get a smoother shave*

The blades mounted on springs from Gillette adjust to the contours of the face and offer you a smooth and precise shave. In addition, the water passes between the blades of the device, providing a superior rinse compared to 2-blade razors.
* compared to razors with 2 blades
Enjoy a comfortable shave up to 10 times

The water activated lubricating strip gives your skin the lubrication it needs. Thus, the sliding of the blades on the skin is as smooth as possible, and you enjoy up to 10 comfortable uses.
Extra protection for a safe shave

The protective micro-slats stretch your skin before the blades pass, providing extra protection against accidental cuts.
Maximum control

The handle is provided with an elastomer coating, which does not slip even when wet. Thus you can control the device in any conditions, superior to razors with 2 blades.
Tips for the best shave from Gillette

Is it advisable to use hot, cold or warm water when you shave?

Answer: Warm water provides the best hydration to beard hairs. Wetting with warm water softens the hair and dilates the pores of the skin, so the beard will be easier to cut.

What are the best methods to avoid razor irritation?

Answer: If the skin is not properly prepared in advance or if the blade of your razor is dull, the chances of irritating your skin increase. Make sure that you moisturize your beard hairs in warm water for about 3 minutes and that you have applied enough shaving gel. We also recommend changing the blade at the first signs of dullness or discomfort

Does shaving cause hair thickening?

Answer: Gillette researchers have conducted repeated tests on the effects of shaving on hair growth, texture and color, both among men and among women. Tests have shown that shaving does not change the growth, texture and color of the hair. Shaving, on the other hand, alters the shape of the tips of the grown hair, which can influence the way the hair feels and how it grows back. But if the hair is allowed to grow back completely, it will return to its original shape.

- Is there a certain direction in which I should shave to get the best shave?

Answer: Men's facial hair tends to grow in different directions. Start shaving with light, gentle movements in the direction of hair growth. Then, if necessary, perform the movement in the opposite direction of the hairs, for a more precise shave

How can I avoid cuts and scratches, especially those above the upper lip?

Answer: The area immediately above the upper lip is sensitive for many men. To avoid cuts and scratches, always leave it last. Apply enough shaving gel and allow this area to absorb as much foam as possible. When shaving, don't apply too much pressure. The Gillette Fusion ProGlide precision trimmer is very useful when shaving under the nose.



Body area Face
Shaver type Single use
Series Blue 3
Compatible series Blue 3
Skin type Normal
Number of blades 3
Number of pieces/set 12
Set Yes
Package contents 12 x Disposable razor
Color Gray Blue
Expediere si Livrare
Livrarea produselor pentru comenzile ce depasesc valoarea 350 Ron se face GRATUIT . In cazul comenzilor cu o valoare mai mica de 350Ron costul livrarii este 18 Ron. NU se percep taxe pentru kilometri suplimentari (localitati aflate in afara ariei de acoperire a firmei de curierat) insa timpul de livrare poate fi cu 1-2 zile mai mare. Pentru comenzile realizate pana la ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in aceeasi zi. Pentru comenzile realizate dupa ora 13.30, incercam sa expediem produsele in ziua urmatoare. Comenzile primite peste weekend se proceseaza luni in ordinea primirii comenzilor Programul DPD si SameDay de predare a coletelor este: Luni-Vineri: intre orele 9.00-16.00 Sambata: intre orele 9.00-13.00 Livrarea se face dupa ce toate produsele comandate si rezervate la furnizori au intrat in stocul nostru, in 24 - 72 ore de la lansarea comenzii. Mentiunile cu privire la eventualele probleme privind integritatea/continutul unor colete se fac in momentul livrarii pe AWB sau se intocmeste un proces verbal de constatare, se refuza primirea si plata coletului. Orice reclamatii ulterioare, cu privire la aceste aspecte, sunt nule.
Cum se comanda?
Metode de plata Aveti la dispozitie 2 modalitati de plata: 1.Plata ramburs 2.Plata online cu cardul, securizata. 1a. Plata ramburs: Plata poate fi facuta in numerar in momentul in care curierul va livreaza marfa comandata. Valoarea rambursului va fi inscrisa in factura ce insoteste marfa si aceasi cu cea comunicata in momentul plasarii comenzii (prin e-mail sau telefonic de catre un consultant ). 2a. Plata online cu cardul: Plata online cu cardul se poate face folosind serviciile Stripe(ePayment) unul dinte cei mai mari procesatori de carduri din lume. Astfel asigurand, protectia si confidentialitatea datelor introduse, la cel mai inalt grad.
Aparat de ras de unica folosinta Gillette Blue3 infant-ro
Gillette Blue3 disposable razor

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Expediere si Livrare

Livrarea produselor pentru comenzile ce depasesc valoarea 350 Ron se face GRATUIT .

In cazul comenzilor cu o valoare mai mica de 350Ron costul livrarii este 18 Ron.

Metode de plata

1. Plata ramburs:
Plata poate fi facuta in numerar in momentul in care curierul va livreaza marfa comandata.
2. Plata online cu cardul:
Plata online cu cardul astfel asigurand, protectia si confidentialitatea datelor introduse.

Politica de Livrare & Retur

Livrare Gratuita

350+ Ron

Livrare Rapida

1 - 3 Zile Max

Suport Clienti

Tel: +40 730 046 747

Ramburs Rapid

30 Zile Retur

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