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Here comes Santa Claus: Preparations and Surprises


Here comes Santa Claus: Preparations and Surprises

The winter holidays are a magical time for children and parents alike, and the preparations to welcome Santa Claus can be just as exciting as the big day itself. In this article, we will go through the most important elements to keep in mind during this festive period to make Christmas an unforgettable celebration.

Stage 1: Decorations - Creating a Festive Atmosphere

Christmas decorations are not only a way to decorate the house, but also a great opportunity to spend time with the family. From decorating the tree, to decorating windows and doors with winter wreaths, all these activities can become beloved family traditions. It is important, however, to take into account the safety of the little ones during these activities, choosing non-penetrable decorations and avoiding broken or sharp objects.

Stage 2: Finding the Perfect Gift - Suggestions and Ideas

The time is approaching when every child writes their letter to Santa Claus with the expected gifts. Although toys are always a popular choice, we should also focus on educational gifts, such as books, logic games, or DIY kits. In addition, it is essential to consider the age and interests of children in order to choose gifts that will delight their hearts and stimulate their imaginations.

Stage 3: Festive Activities - Waiting for Santa

The period leading up to Christmas can be filled with a multitude of themed activities to involve the little ones. From singing carols to watching seasonal movies, these moments add charm to the holiday atmosphere. For example, you can organize an evening where the whole family decorates gingerbread or creates Christmas cards for loved ones.

Stage 4: The Holiday Kitchen - Recipes and Traditions

Traditional Christmas snacks, such as sarmales or cozonacs, are some of the innocent pleasures of the holiday. It is a good opportunity to encourage children to participate in the preparation of these dishes, so that they learn about culinary traditions and develop new skills. Of course, be sure to follow safety measures in the kitchen, such as supervising the use of ovens and knives.

Stage 5: Eve Night - Rituals and Customs

The night before Christmas is probably the most awaited by children. Many families have the habit of leaving a glass of milk and some cookies in the living room for Santa and a bowl of water for his reindeer. Bedtime is also a good time to read seasonal stories or watch a Christmas movie together. These rituals create precious memories and help build anticipation for Christmas morning.

Stage 6: Christmas Morning - Opening Gifts and Joy of Communion

When it comes to opening presents, it's important to encourage children to express gratitude and learn about the joy of giving, not just receiving. It can be a good opportunity to teach them about the importance of sharing and generosity by offering symbolic gifts or help to others.

Stage 7: Post-Christmas Games and Activities - Maintaining the Holiday Spirit

Christmas doesn't end with opening presents. There are many games and activities that can continue the holiday cheer, such as board games or even small DIY projects to make use of leftover packaging and materials. These activities can help maintain the holiday spirit and transition smoothly into the daily routine.


The winter holidays are a time of year full of joy, light and color, a perfect opportunity to spend quality family time and create memories together. Preparing for Santa, from decorating the house to choosing the perfect gift, are the key elements that build anticipation and excitement. By involving children in these preparations, we teach them valuable lessons about tradition, generosity and the importance of family. We hope this guide will help you have an unforgettable Christmas, filled with love, warmth and, of course, special surprises from Santa Claus. Finally, don't forget to take a look at our special holiday section in store or subscribe to our newsletter for more inspired ideas and festive offers. Have a Merry Christmas!

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