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Tocănița de Năut pentru Bebeluși de la 12-18 Luni: Rețetă Sănătoasă

Chickpea Stew for Babies from 12-18 Months: Healthy Recipe


Child Development: A Complete Guide to the Essential Stages

From the moment our little ones take their first shy steps in this world, every day comes with new challenges and discoveries. Child development is a path full of surprises and significant achievements, which prepare them for the future. Each stage has its own characteristics and defining moments, and as a parent, you are your child's guide and main supporter on this fascinating journey.

Newborn stage (0-2 months)

Newborns come into the world constantly learning. They begin to develop their senses and recognize familiar voices and faces. This stage is essential because it sets the foundation for all subsequent stages. Encourage closeness and physical comfort, as these are vital to your baby's emotional development.

Infant Stage (2-12 months)

The infant discovers the world through smell, taste, hearing, sight and touch. They are able to smile socially, make sounds, move objects, and eventually crawl and walk. Interactive games and talking to your baby are crucial for developing language and cognitive skills.

Toddler Stage (1-3 years)

Toddlers are little explorers with overflowing energy. They learn to walk, talk and interact with others. They also begin to express their will and preferences. It is important to set boundaries, but also to give yourself the freedom to explore and learn from the experience.

Preschool Stage (3-5 years)

Preschoolers are creative and curious. Their vocabulary expands and they develop their social skills. Now is the time to introduce games and activities that encourage logical thinking and problem solving.

Junior School Stage (6-8 years)

Toddlers develop academic skills and learn to manage their emotions. It is essential to support them in their learning and provide them with activities that challenge them intellectually.

High School Stage (9-12 years)

Children at this age become more independent and begin to form their own opinions. Help them develop their critical thinking skills and cultivate their interests.

Adolescent Stage (13+ years)

Adolescence brings major physical, emotional and social changes. They are searching for their identity and need support to navigate the challenges of this time in life.


Child development is a complex and individual process. Each stage comes with its own beauties and challenges. As a parent, your role is to provide love, support and guidance as your child progresses through the various stages of growth. With active involvement and support, your child will have the opportunity to develop into a happy, healthy and fulfilled person.

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