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Child Development: A Complete Guide to the Essential Stages

The opening of parenthood begins with a lot of questions and curiosities related to the evolution and development of the child. Each stage in the life of the little one has its peculiarities and challenges, and understanding these moments is crucial to ensure a healthy and happy growth. In this guide, we will review the major stages of children's development, giving parents the informational support they need.

The newborn – The first weeks of life

Newborns are extremely fragile and require extra attention in the first weeks of life. From the first moments after birth, parents must be prepared to decipher the baby's needs; from food, sleep and even the first smile.

It is a time when it is very important to establish a sleep and eating routine, as well as to closely monitor signs of normal development. In addition, regular doctor visits are essential to check for healthy growth and for necessary vaccinations.

Infant – From 1 to 12 months

Bearing in mind that in the first year of life, the child develops faster than at any other time, this phase is full of exciting moments and challenges. Starting with head-up and rolling, moving on to crawling, sitting, and finally first steps, each of these progressions comes with specific recommendations for parents.

Here, stimulation through play and interaction, selecting appropriate toys, and encouraging exploration are vital to the infant's motor and cognitive development. It is also a period in which dietary diversification is gradually introduced.

Early childhood – From 1 to 3 years

This stage marks the transition from baby to toddler. Children begin to be more independent, develop their vocabulary, and begin to understand and test the limits of parental authority. It is a time of self-discovery and clarifying one's preferences.

For parents, this is the time to create a structured daily routine focused on language learning, socialization and new motor skills. At the same time, emotional stability is crucial, and open discussions, consistency and positive discipline will be the backbone of education during this period.

Preschool – From 3 to 5 years old

Preschool brings with it learning through play and preparation for school. At this age, children expand their horizons and develop their cognitive skills through curiosity and exploration.

It is essential for parents to continue to encourage the child's autonomy and involve him in activities that develop his creativity and reasoning. Whether it is art, sports, or educational activities, involvement in different fields helps to form a balanced profile of the child.

Middle childhood – From 6 to 11 years

With the start of school, children develop their social and intellectual skills in a structured environment. Learning becomes more formalized and children begin to form a stable group of friends.

Parents have the role of supporting school performance through home learning but also of encouraging involvement in extracurricular activities. In addition, it is the ideal time to encourage the child to develop passions and hobbies that contribute to his personal development.

Adolescence – From 12 years onwards

Adolescence is a transitional stage between childhood and adulthood, marked by physical, emotional and social transformations. It is the period when the young person begins to form his own identity and distance himself from the nuclear family, seeking his own path.

At this critical stage, parents need to be available for open discussions about issues facing teens and provide support in dealing with challenges related to school, friendships, and emotional life.


In conclusion, each stage of child development comes with its own unique challenges and moments of joy. The role of the parent is to guide, support and encourage the child through each of these stages, ensuring that the foundation for a healthy and balanced adult life is well laid. Approaching these stages with understanding and love will ensure that the child's development takes place in a healthy and conducive environment.

Visit our store for a variety of products to support your child's education and development, or subscribe to our newsletter for more information and support on this remarkable parenting journey.

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