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Strabismul la Bebeluși: De Ce Apare și Cum se Identifică

Strabismus in Babies: Why It Occurs and How to Identify It


Strabismus in Babies: Why It Occurs and How to Identify It

Strabismus, also known as crossed eyes, is often talked about among new mothers concerned about the visual health of their babies. Understanding the causes, identifying the signs and getting a correct diagnosis are considered essential pieces in building healthy visual development for little ones. This is why, as an informed parent, it is vital to have the necessary knowledge about this condition.

Why Does Strabismus Occur in Babies?

Strabismus is often the result of a discord in the eye muscles that does not allow the eyes to properly align and move together. The causes can be multiple, ranging from genetic problems, abnormalities in the structure of the eye or in the nervous system, to complications born at birth or trauma.

In some cases, strabismus can also be caused by a condition called amblyopia, which involves the uneven development of vision in both eyes. If one eye is weaker, the body will tend to lean on the other, causing strabismus.

Motor Development and the Impact on Strabismus

The eye muscles are the ones that control the movement of the eyes, which gradually develop during the first month of the child's life. It's normal for newborns to temporarily experience slight visual confusion or appear cross-eyed, but these symptoms should disappear as the muscles strengthen and the eyes begin to work together more effectively.

However, if a baby seems to have one eye that is constantly pointing in the wrong direction, or if this condition is accompanied by other symptoms, such as tilting the head to look at objects, it is crucial to seek specialist advice.

Language Development and Triangular Signs of Strabismus

Language development can also be influenced by strabismus. Children are constantly communicating through their eyes, and a visual problem could slow down this essential learning process, although it is not a guaranteed sign of strabismus.

Warning signs of the condition include difficulty focusing with both eyes on an object, frequent squinting or averting bright light, and failure to follow moving objects. The latter is a key indicator in the first months of life, as tracking movement is an indicator of babies' visual health.

How to Identify Strabismus in Babies

If you suspect your little one may be experiencing strabismus, early assessment is vital. The pediatrician is the first line in identifying any problems and will generally recommend a consultation with a pediatric eye clinic.

There, the ophthalmologist will perform various tests to assess eye coordination and determine if there is a muscle imbalance. These tests are non-invasive and usually do not cause your pup any discomfort.

Treatment of Strabismus

A wide range of treatment options are available for strabismus, including corrective glasses, the use of patching time to strengthen the weaker eye, and in some cases, even oculomotor surgery. Special visual retraining exercises may also be recommended to help with eye coordination. However, the earlier the intervention, the better the treatment results can be.

Importance of Visual Baby Monitoring

After strabismus is detected and treated, ongoing monitoring is crucial to ensure visual health is maintained. Periodic check-ups with the ophthalmologist are essential to ensure that the child's eyes are developing properly and to adjust the treatment if necessary.


Strabismus in babies is a condition that, although it can be alarming to parents, is often treatable when detected and properly addressed. Armed with the right information and careful monitoring, you can make a significant contribution to the healthy development of your child's vision. Don't hesitate to discuss any concerns or symptoms with your pediatrician or ophthalmologist to ensure the best start in life for your little one.

Now that you have a better understanding of what strabismus in babies involves, you may want to explore more about child development. We invite you to visit our store for a range of products designed to support your pup's health and development or subscribe to our newsletter for more detailed guides and professional advice.

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