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Self-Esteem in Children: Determinants and How to Improve It


Child Development: A Complete Guide to the Essential Stages

Self-Esteem in Children: Determinants and How to Improve It

Self-esteem plays a crucial role in the healthy development of any child. It influences the way children see themselves and the world around them, determining their behavior and success in various areas of life. This article outlines the key to developing strong self-esteem in children and offers practical suggestions on how parents can contribute to this essential grounding.

Motor Development

The child's motor development is often visible and easy to follow. From a baby's first movements, such as lifting its head and bending over, to when it starts walking and running, each stage is crucial for physical development. Self-esteem can also be developed by encouraging the child to explore and praising him for his motor progress. It is important for parents to provide a safe environment where children can practice and develop these skills without limiting them for fear of possible minor injuries.

Language development

Language is a window into the child's thoughts and emotions. As they begin to form words and phrases, they are not only expressing needs, they are also beginning to build their identity. Encouraging children to speak and communicate freely, without judging or correcting them harshly, contributes to a positive self-image. Learning a new language or encouraging your child to narrate his daily experiences are great ways to boost language development and boost self-esteem.

Decisive Factors in the Development of Self-Esteem

There are several key factors that influence the development of self-esteem in children. Their first impression of themselves comes from their parents and close people. How we communicate, behave and express our emotions towards them sets the foundation for their self-image. Successes and failures, and how they are handled, also affect a child's self-esteem. It is essential to teach children that failure is part of the learning process and is not a reflection of their worth as individuals.

How to Improve Child Self-Esteem

It is our duty as parents to help children develop healthy self-esteem. Some basic practices include:

  • Validating Emotions: Listen to your child and validate their emotions without minimizing them. This shows them that their feelings are important and have value.

  • Autonomy: Give them space and the opportunity to make choices, even small ones, this will teach them that they are capable and independent.

  • Responsibility: Give them age-appropriate tasks to build their confidence in their own abilities.

  • Failure as an Opportunity: Treat failure as a learning opportunity, not a moment of shame.

The Role of Parents in Cultivating Self-Esteem

Parents are often the first role models for children and have a major impact on how they will perceive themselves. It is indispensable for parents to convey confidence and support to their children, but also to allow them to experiment and make their own mistakes. The way the parent responds to mistakes, success, and to the child in general, the behavior model of the parents - all this shapes the child's self-esteem.

The Influence of the Educational and Social Environment

School and social environment are also important factors in the development of self-esteem. Teachers and peers can have a significant impact, positive or negative. It is important to maintain open communication with educational institutions and address any potential bullying or social integration issues.


The development of a child's self-esteem is a complex process, influenced by many forces within the family and outside. It is the responsibility of parents, educators and the entire community to nurture and support children's sense of self-worth. This process begins with validating the child's emotions, supporting autonomy and learning from mistakes, and extends further to a supportive educational and social environment. With adequate resources and a positive attitude, we can improve children's self-esteem, paving the way for a brighter future well suited to the growing child's needs.

Remember that as a parent, you can and should be your child's biggest supporter. By approaching the development of self-esteem through understanding, patience and love, you will help children grow up healthy and become balanced adults, as autonomous and confident as possible in their own strengths.

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