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Scorul Apgar: Primul Indicator al Sănătății Bebelușului Tău

Apgar Score: The First Indicator of Your Baby's Health


Apgar Score: The First Indicator of Your Baby's Health

Nothing is more exciting than the moment when a new baby comes into the world. In the first few minutes after birth, doctors turn their full attention to evaluating the baby to make sure it is healthy and adjusting properly to life outside the mother's womb. One of the most important indicators used in this process is the Apgar score. This article aims to detail everything you need to know about this vital test to better understand the first assessment of your new family member.

What is the Apgar Score?

The Apgar score was developed in 1952 by Dr. Virginia Apgar, an anesthesiologist, as a quick way to assess a newborn's health and determine whether he or she needs immediate medical attention. The test is performed twice: one minute and five minutes after birth. The Apgar score is decided on the basis of five specific criteria, each of which can receive between 0 and 2 points. Criteria include: Appearance (skin color), Pulse (heart rate), Grimace (response to stimulation), Activity (muscle tone) and Respiration.

How is Apgar Score Calculated?

Appearance (Skin Color) For appearance, a fully pink baby gets 2 points, a pink baby with blue extremities gets 1 point, and a pale or blue baby gets 0 points.

Pulse (Heart Rate) If the baby's heart beats over 100 beats per minute, he gets 2 points. If the pulse is below 100 beats per minute, it receives 1 point, and if there is no pulse, 0 points are given.

Grimace (Response Reflex) If the baby sneezes, coughs or squirms when stimulated, it gets 2 points. If there is faint grimacing or facial wrinkling, 1 point is given, and if there is no response, 0 points are given.

Activity (Muscle Tone) Babies who are active and move their arms and legs get 2 points. If there is flexion of the extremities, 1 point is given, and if the baby is flaccid, 0 points.

Breath A loud cry that indicates good breathing earns 2 points. If breathing is slow or irregular, 1 point is given, and if the baby is not breathing, 0 points are assigned.

Importance of Apgar Score

Understanding the Apgar score is crucial because it is the first indicator that tells the doctor how the baby is adjusting to the environment and whether its lungs are providing enough oxygen. A total score between 7 and 10 is considered normal and indicates that the baby is in good health. A score between 4 and 6 may suggest that the baby needs medical intervention, such as supplemental oxygen or, in some cases, cardiac massage. A score of 3 or below may indicate a medical emergency and the need to resuscitate the baby.

Limitations of the Apgar Score

Although the Apgar score is a valuable tool, it is important to understand that it also has limitations. The score is not a predictor of the baby's long-term health or cognitive development. It is also influenced by a variety of factors, such as the type of anesthesia used during the birth, the gestational age of the child, and the presence of congenital conditions.

Motor Development

The second part of the Apgar assessment focuses on activity and muscle tone, which are part of the child's motor development. It is vital to understand that the reflexes described in the Apgar score are the first signs of normal motor development. During growth, the baby's motor development will be tracked by his ability to support his head, roll over, sit, walk and later walk.

Language development

Finally, the baby's response to sound or touch stimulation, as assessed by grimacing in the Apgar score, can be an early indicator of language and communication development. While the Apgar score does not directly assess language, a baby's crying is a good sign of the health of his respiratory system and ability to make sounds.


In conclusion, the Apgar score is the first and one of the most important tests performed to quickly assess your baby's overall health right after birth. Understanding the components and meaning of each criterion will give you peace of mind and help you know when your child needs additional medical attention. Although the Apgar score cannot predict future health problems or the child's intellectual ability, it is a valuable tool to ensure that your baby receives the best possible care during the first and most critical moments of his life.

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