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Pregnancy and Childbirth: Myths and Realities


Pregnancy and Childbirth: Myths and Realities


Pregnancy and childbirth are subjects that have been surrounded by countless myths and stories throughout time. Some of these are centuries old and persist even today, although modern science has revealed the truth behind them. Distinguishing between myth and reality can sometimes be difficult to do, but it is essential for mothers-to-be to experience pregnancy and birth in the healthiest and most informed way possible.

Development of the Child in the Womb

Realities from the Womb

The development of the child in the womb is a complex and fascinating process. Starting with the embryo and ending with the full-term fetus, each stage comes with specific changes and developments. It is important to understand that, despite the myths, the mother's activities - such as raising her arms or doing physical exercises - do not influence the baby's position, but only help a healthier pregnancy.

Food for Two?

Another popular myth is the idea that a pregnant woman must eat for two. In reality, the additional calorie requirement is only a few hundred during the second and third trimesters. A balanced diet and monitoring weight gain are vital for the health of mother and child.

Signs of First Pregnancy

Myths about Symptoms

The first signs of pregnancy vary from woman to woman. There are many myths about how you can determine the sex of the baby or about the so-called symptoms that would guarantee an easy pregnancy. In reality, symptoms such as nausea, fatigue and mood swings are variable and cannot predict the characteristics or sex of the baby.

Objective Causes of Symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms occur due to hormonal changes in the body and can be alleviated by a healthy lifestyle and adequate sleep. Morning sickness, for example, can be managed by eating right and avoiding certain triggers.

Preparing for Birth

Planning a Natural or Cesarean Birth

A question that many mothers-to-be ask themselves is whether to opt for a natural birth or a caesarean section. Many myths circulate around this topic, such as the idea that natural childbirth is always the best option. In reality, the choice of delivery method must take into account medical recommendations and the specific conditions of each woman.

Prenatal courses

Prenatal classes are often underrated, but they can provide valuable information and techniques that can help a mother-to-be prepare for birth. They dispel myths and provide real support for coping with labour.

Postnatal period

The Realities of Postpartum Recovery

Many women expect to quickly return to pre-pregnancy shape, but postpartum recovery varies significantly from person to person. The important thing is to be patient and follow the medical instructions for a gradual return to normal activities.

Breastfeeding: Personal Choice and Benefits for the Child

There are also many myths surrounding breastfeeding. Although studies have shown the undeniable benefits of breast milk for the baby, the decision to breastfeed is a personal choice and should be respected. The importance of correct support and information is crucial at this stage.


In conclusion, pregnancy and birth are unique experiences that vary for each woman. It is essential to dispel the myths and get the right information to have the most pleasant and healthy pregnancy and birth experience possible. From first pregnancy signs to postpartum recovery, authentic information proves to be the most valuable resource for moms-to-be. If you are looking for more information or have specific questions, do not hesitate to visit the special section of our store or subscribe to our newsletter. Understanding the motherhood journey through a reality filter will give you the best chance for a fulfilling and happy experience.

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