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Plagiocefalia la Bebeluși: 3 Metode Eficiente de Prevenire a Capului Turtit

Plagiocephaly in Babies: 3 Effective Methods to Prevent Flat Head


Plagiocephaly in Babies: 3 Effective Methods to Prevent Flat Head

Navigating the complexities of raising a baby, parents often face unexpected challenges. One of these is plagiocephaly, a condition involving the deformation of the baby's skull, often known as "flat head". This article aims to educate and share with you effective methods of preventing this condition.

What Is Plagiocephaly?

Plagiocephaly, a problem that can appear from the first months of the baby's life, is manifested by a visible flattening of a part of the head. This can be caused by the constant pressure exerted on the skull in the same position, resulting in the appearance of a flattened head. Although most of the time it is a purely cosmetic problem, in rare cases it can indicate more serious developmental problems.

Motor Development and Its Role

Before exploring prevention methods, it is important to understand the motor development of the baby. In the first months, the baby will spend a lot of time on the back, which is normal and safe. However, this static position can limit motor development and contribute to plagiocephaly.

By stimulating the baby to use its muscles and through diversified positioning, pressure on the head can be reduced, thus contributing to the prevention of cranial deformation. A developed muscle tone will allow the baby to move his head more easily, minimizing the periods when the skull is under pressure in the resting position.

Language Development and Its Implications

Although they seem to be two different issues, language development is also related to plagiocephaly. By paying attention to your baby and communicating with him, you will stimulate not only his verbal skills, but also the mobility of his head. During these interactive sessions, your baby will be inspired to look at you, follow your lip movements and move, thus redirecting the pressure on the skull.

3 Effective Methods to Prevent Plagiocephaly

  • Method #1: Tummy Time

One of the most recommended activities to prevent flat head in babies is "Tummy Time". This position not only stimulates the child's motor development , but also reduces the risk of head flattening. Gradually introduce this routine into your baby's life, starting with a few minutes a day and gradually increasing them.

  • Method #2: Variation of Positions

Avoid holding the baby in one position for long periods of time. Alternate the sides you put him to sleep on and encourage him to roll over and explore different positions. You can also use specially designed pillows to evenly distribute the pressure on your head or frequently change the direction in which you place your head in the crib to sleep.

  • Method #3: Babywearing

Improve motor development and strengthen the bond with your baby by wearing them in ergonomic slings or carriers. This method reduces the pressure exerted on the skull because the baby's head will be supported by the parent's body, thus avoiding flattening.


Plagiocephaly in babies is a common and mostly preventable problem. Through simple methods such as tummy time, alternating positions and babywearing, you can help your little one's head develop harmoniously. It is also important to see your pediatrician regularly to ensure that your child's development is progressing smoothly.

If you have found yourself dealing with this condition or want to learn more about caring for your baby in the first months, we invite you to explore our resources, visit our special anti-plagiocephaly product store and subscribe to our newsletter for news and useful advice. Together we can ensure that our little ones have an optimal and healthy development.

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