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Children's Breakfast: Age Guide


Children's Breakfast: Age Guide

The importance of breakfast for children

Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day, and not just for adults. In children, this meal sets the tone for the whole day, providing them with the necessary energy and essential nutrients for growth and development. A quiet and satisfying breakfast can also influence their behavior throughout the day, boosting cognitive abilities and helping to maintain concentration. In this sense, it is vital to pay close attention to the choices we make for the first meal of the day for the little ones.

Newborns and Infants: 0-12 Months

In the first year of life, breakfast, like other meals, is generally composed of mother's milk or formula. It is essential to follow the recommendations of pediatricians regarding the introduction of solid foods, which usually happens sometime after the age of 6 months. When babies are ready, we can start with fruit purees or gluten-free cereals, which will stimulate their taste buds without irritating their still immature digestive system.

Toddlers: 1-3 years

As children grow, their need for energy and nutrients increases. At toddler age, it is important to get children used to a regular schedule for meals, including breakfast. A good idea would be to include whole grains such as oats or toast, along with fresh fruit and dairy products such as yogurt or cheese. We must pay attention to the signs that indicate that he is full and avoid forcing him to eat more than he wants.

Preschoolers: 4-5 years

At this age, the child is more active and needs a complete breakfast to give him the necessary energy. A balanced breakfast for preschoolers can include eggs, which are an excellent source of protein, whole grains, a piece of fruit, and possibly a glass of milk. We can also introduce other sources of protein, such as peanut butter or lean chicken or turkey.

Schoolchildren: 6-12 years

With the entry into the primary cycle, the child's nutritional needs continue to increase. It is important to provide a consistent intake of iron, calcium and vitamin D to support bone growth and mental development. A suitable breakfast for this age could include a fruit, vegetable and milk smoothie or a plant-based alternative, wholemeal pancakes with berries or even an avocado and smoked salmon sandwich to ensure Omega-3 intake as well .

Teens: 13+ Years

Adolescents' needs are similar to those of adults, but with an increased focus on calories needed for rapid growth and energetic activities. Teens need a breakfast that supports their active lifestyle and gives them the fuel they need for school. It would be ideal to include sources of fiber, protein and healthy fats in the breakfast. Examples could be vegetable omelets, protein-rich smoothies, or whole-wheat bread with nut butter and banana slices.

Breakfast for Children with Special Dietary Requirements

For children who have allergies, intolerances or other special dietary requirements, breakfast requires extra attention. For example, children with lactose intolerance can opt for lactose-free milk or plant-based alternatives and should avoid cereals that may contain traces of milk. In the case of allergies to certain fruits or nuts, they must be replaced or eliminated from the child's diet.


Breakfast is essential in the child's diet for an energetic start every day. By ensuring that this meal is balanced and satisfying, we help our children not only grow up healthy, but also develop good eating habits that will carry them throughout their lives. By arming ourselves with the right information and adapting the menu according to the needs of each age stage, we can make breakfast a moment of joy and health. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more tips on nutrition and children's health!

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