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Newborn Shopping List: Essentials


Newborn Shopping List: Essentials

If you're getting ready to welcome a new member into your family, you've probably already started thinking about the essential items you'll need. Shopping for a newborn can be overwhelming, but don't worry! This guide will give you all the information you need to make sure you have everything you need to get your baby off to a good start.

Preparing the Baby's Room

Before doing any shopping, it's important to organize and prepare the baby's room. You need a comfortable crib, the right mattress and the right bedding. Make sure you choose hypoallergenic materials and that the bed meets safety standards. A comfortable rocking chair or armchair for nursing and the quiet moments you will spend with your little one are also essential.

Basic Clothing

Your newborn shopping list should include comfortable and practical clothes that facilitate frequent diaper changes. You need bodysuits with buttons at the base of the neck or in the front, overalls, socks or hats. Opt for natural fabrics, such as cotton, which let the skin breathe and prevent irritation.

Articles for Food

Whether you're breastfeeding or formula feeding, certain items are essential. For the mother, a nursing bra, absorbent pads, a nursing pillow and a breast pump sterilizer are essential products. For the baby, you will need a bottle, teats of different sizes and shapes, a bottle sterilizer and a set of bottles of different sizes.

Care and Hygiene

The essential items for the care and hygiene of the baby must not be missing from the shopping list. So, you'll need diapers, baby bath salts, special shampoo and soaps for sensitive skin, and a bath thermometer. It is also advisable to prepare a care kit that includes a brush and nose pad, a fever thermometer and a nasal aspirator.

Transporting the Baby

Choose a comfortable and safe stroller that folds easily and is suitable for the baby's age. Also, the baby car seat is a must-have for car trips. For short walks or to have your hands free, you can also opt for an ergonomic carrier or a carrying scarf.

Additional Accessories

Don't forget details like a room humidifier to ensure a proper sleep environment, a night light with soft light, crib toys and diaper covers. These are details that will make your life easier and contribute to the comfort of your baby.


With this newborn shopping list handy, you'll make sure you have all the essentials ready for your little one's arrival. Take care to choose quality products and think about the safety and comfort of the baby before everything else. For more articles and access to special products, don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter!

We wish you the best of luck on this wonderful parenting journey and hope this list helps you be better prepared for the special moments ahead.

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