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Legătura între Somn și Inteligența Copilului: Studii și Concluzii

The Link Between Sleep and Child Intelligence: Studies and Findings


The Link Between Sleep and Child Intelligence: Studies and Findings

The Importance of Sleep in Child Development

Often underestimated, sleep plays a crucial role in a child's cognitive and physical development. In the first months of life, a newborn spends more than 16 hours a day sleeping. This period is essential for the growth and maturation of brain structures, especially in terms of memory and learning. Sleep is also the time when the body secretes growth hormone, essential for healthy development.

Scientific research suggests that lack of sleep can have negative effects on a child's ability to concentrate and behavior, often leading to school problems. Therefore, maintaining a regular sleep schedule is a cornerstone of a child's well-being.

How Does Sleep Affect Child Intelligence?

Studies have shown that there is a significant link between the duration and quality of sleep and children's cognitive functions. A study conducted by Harvard University found that children who sleep less than eight hours a night perform lower on intelligence tests compared to those who sleep more.

Sleep also has a direct impact on a child's ability to process and retain information learned throughout the day. During deep sleep, the brain consolidates memory, which improves understanding and the ability to learn new concepts.

The factors that influence the quality of the child's sleep

Many aspects of daily life can influence the quality of a child's sleep. Stress, sleeping environment, sleep routine and even diet can have a significant impact on sleep. For example, exposure to screens before bed can delay bedtime and reduce the duration of REM sleep, which is essential for intellectual development.

At the same time, a bedroom that is not optimized for sleep, with high temperatures or noises, can disturb a restful sleep. Establishing a sleep routine that includes relaxing activities can make the difference between a restless night and a restful one.

Recommendations for Improving Child Sleep

To ensure quality sleep for your child, it is essential to establish and stick to a consistent bedtime schedule. Creating a calm and comfortable environment in the bedroom is also important. Try to limit the use of electronic devices to at least an hour before bedtime, and make sure your child eats his last meal at least two hours before bedtime.

Additionally, relaxing activities such as reading a book or listening to soothing music can help induce sleepiness. Make sure you encourage physical activities throughout the day so that the child's energy is properly consumed, making the night's sleep much deeper and restful.


In conclusion, sleep is an essential component of a child's health and intellectual development. Studies provide compelling evidence that sleep directly influences learning abilities and memory. Therefore, it is essential for parents to pay attention to their children's sleep needs and implement healthy sleep habits. We encourage readers to explore our sleep sections and subscribe to our newsletter for more information and helpful resources for your child's well-being.

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