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Child Development: A Complete Guide to the Essential Stages


A child goes through multiple stages of development from the first day of life. Whether it is physical, emotional or cognitive development, each stage is essential for the good growth and development of the little one. As parents, it is important to understand these stages in order to be able to provide the best growing conditions and to be able to identify any possible deviation from normal development.

This complete guide to the essential stages of baby development will provide clear insight into what every mother or father needs to know about the harmonious growth of their children.

Stage Newborn (0-2 months)

The first two months of a baby's life are full of newness for both the parents and the child. At this stage, sleep and feeding are the most important aspects of development. The baby will sleep between 16 and 20 hours a day and show the first spontaneous smile - an emotional moment and a first sign of social interaction.

Infant Stage (2-12 months)

Starting from the second month of life, infants will begin to explore the world around them. We will witness their first attempts to lift their heads, turn from side to side, and finally, sit and coo. Also, during this period, the child will begin to recognize the parents and develop an emotional bond with them.

Toddler Stage (1-3 years)

This is the time when babies learn to walk and talk, two important milestones in their development. Interest in exploring the environment increases and they become more independent although they still need a lot of attention and guidance from their parents.

Preschool Stage (3-5 years)

It is the time when children begin to develop complex social and emotional skills, expand their vocabulary and be curious about the world around them. They begin to understand complex concepts, establish relationships with other children and create their first friendships.

Junior School Stage (6-11 years)

At this age, the child develops physically, but especially cognitively. The first school-related challenges begin, reading and writing become everyday activities, and logical thinking and memorization increase in complexity. Also, developing a healthy self-image and the ability to manage emotions are crucial during this period.

Preadolescence Stage (12-14 years)

This stage brings with it major changes in a child's life: puberty and the transition to adolescence. Changes in behavior, the search for independence and even conflicts with authority may occur. It is a crucial moment for establishing the values ​​and norms by which they will be guided in the future.

Stage Adolescence (15-18 years)

The final stage of childhood development is adolescence, the time when young people begin to form their own identity, set long-term goals, and begin planning for adulthood. Interpersonal relationships become more complex and deeper, and education leaves its definitive mark on their future trajectory.


In conclusion, each stage of child development comes with its own challenges and rewards. As parents, our role is to be guides and supporters, to observe and enjoy every progress. By understanding the signs and milestones of development, we are better prepared to give our children everything they need to grow up healthy and happy.

Call to action

For more information and resources on raising a child, visit the store and our educational section, or subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest updates and tips.

Each stage of childhood is unique and special, and a deep understanding of them can make a difference in the education and harmonious development of children.

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