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Salmon Fillet with Zucchini and Cherry Tomatoes: Recipe for Children Over 1 Year


Child Development: A Complete Guide to the Essential Stages

When it comes to the growth and development of little ones, every stage is fundamental. From first words to first steps, child development is both an exciting and challenging journey. In this article, we'll explore the crucial stages each child goes through, giving you the information you need to support and guide them through this complex process.

From Newborn to Infant: The First Month of Life

This is the beginning of your child's life and a period of adjustment for both him and you. Newborns adjust to the world outside the womb, and parents learn to decipher their needs. It's time to look for the signs that show your little one is developing as expected: the sucking reflex, the reaction to sounds and spontaneous movements.

Hugs and Smiles: 3-6 Months

In this phase, the baby starts to be more active and communicative. His smile becomes a wonderful reward for any parent and is proof of progress in his social development. Their cooing is their first attempt to communicate and learn language.

Discovering the World: 6-12 Months

Once your baby has reached the middle of the first year, you will notice a rapid development. Your baby will start to sit up, say his first syllables and even make his first attempts to walk unaided or with support. It is important to provide appropriate incentives to encourage these behaviors.

Small Steps, Big Achievements: 1-2 years

Around the first year of life, your baby will start to walk. It is an essential stage that requires vigilance and encouragement. Their vocabulary will also begin to expand and they will become more and more curious in exploring their surroundings.

Blooming Personality: 2-3 Years

This is the time when your child's personality begins to blossom. You will notice increasing independence, improved language skills and an intense interest in interacting with other children. It is crucial to give him space to express his individuality, but also clear boundaries to learn appropriate behavior.

Boundless curiosity: 3-5 years

Preschool is the period when the child's curiosity reaches new levels. Encouraging questions and free exploration are key aspects at this stage. It is a good time to start introducing the informal educational concepts that will lay the foundation for the school.

Becoming a Student: 5-7 Years

At this age, your child will start school, a major stage in emotional and intellectual development. Your job is to support the adaptation process and be there for any difficulties that may arise. Learning to read and write will be challenging, but with patience and practice it will become a well-developed skill.

Expansion of Social and Cognitive Skills: 7-12 Years

Throughout this stage, you will witness the growth of your child's social and cognitive skills. They will develop close friendships, form their own opinions and begin to solve more complex problems. Your continued support in developing these skills will be essential.

Navigating Through Adolescence: Ages 12 and Up

Adolescence can be a turbulent time for children and parents alike. It's time to be with them in discovering their identity and dealing with intense emotions. Open communication becomes key in building trust and providing the necessary support.


Going through these milestones with your baby is an extraordinary journey. By understanding these stages and providing the right support, you will contribute to the healthy and happy development of your child. Don't forget to spend quality time with your little one and enjoy every moment of this unique experience. If you want to learn more about child development, we invite you to visit our dedicated section or subscribe to our newsletter.

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