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Baby Teething: 6 Helpful Tips for Parents


Baby Teething: 6 Helpful Tips for Parents

Raising a child comes with a lot of joy and at the same time with many challenges. One of the important stages that all babies go through is teething, a natural process, but one that can be difficult for both the little one and the parents. In this comprehensive guide, we'll take a look at the essential stages of baby development, with a particular focus on teething and how you can better manage this time.

Motor Development

The motor development of the baby is closely related to the appearance of the first teeth. Around 4-7 months of age, babies begin to have better hand coordination and take objects to their mouths. This is also the period when many parents notice signs of teething.

Learning the signs that herald the appearance of the first teeth is crucial. These include excessive drooling, an increased need to bite all kinds of objects, irritability and even a slight increase in body temperature. By paying attention to these signals, parents can prepare their baby for the next phase of development.

Language development

Teething also influences language development. Teeth are essential for the correct formation of sounds and subsequently words. Therefore, it is important to encourage your baby to explore different sounds once the teeth start to appear.

In this sense, toys that emit sounds, songs and frequent talking with the child can facilitate the language learning process. As the teeth appear, the baby will begin to practice new sounds and in time will begin to form the first words.

Tips for Management of Tooth Eruption

Now that we understand the importance of the teething process in the development of the child, let's explore together some useful tips to make it as comfortable as possible.

  1. Use Teething Toys

One of the most effective methods of relieving discomfort is the use of toys specially designed for teething. These help massage the gums and reduce discomfort. Make sure these toys are safe and cleaned regularly.

  1. Gum Massage

Another way to ease the pain is to massage the gums with a clean finger or a piece of gauze. Before doing this, make sure your hands are thoroughly washed to prevent the transfer of bacteria.

  1. Cold Food

If the baby is already diversified, cold foods can bring great relief. Fruits such as bananas or watermelons placed in the refrigerator for a short time can be very helpful. However, be careful with hard foods to prevent choking hazards.

  1. Using a Refrigerated Teething Ring

Refrigerated teething rings can reduce inflammation and soothe baby's gums. Keep these rings in the refrigerator (not the freezer to prevent cold burns) and give them to your child under supervision.

  1. Adequate Medication

In cases of severe discomfort, consult your pediatrician to recommend a teething gel or pain reliever appropriate for the child's age.

  1. Every Child is Unique

Remember, every child is unique and may react differently to teething. What works for one child may not have the same effect for another. Be patient and try different methods until you find the most suitable for your baby's comfort.


Teething is a significant stage in babies' lives and can be managed effectively with a little preparation and a lot of patience. These tips should help you navigate through this exciting time more easily, making it a pleasant and memorable experience for both you and your baby.

Do not hesitate to visit our special section of the store for teething products or subscribe to our newsletter to constantly receive useful tips on the growth and development of the child. Together we can make every stage of childhood full of smiles and joy.

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