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Cum S-a Modificat Schema de Vaccinare în 2015: Informații Actualizate

How the Vaccination Schedule Changed in 2015: Updated Information


Child Development: A Complete Guide to the Essential Stages

When it comes to children, their development is a vast and extremely important topic for parents and caregivers. Obviously, every child is unique and will go through developmental stages at their own pace. However, there are certain standard indicators that help parents better understand and support the growth and development of their little ones.

Newborn Development (0-3 Months)

The newborn period is one full of adjustments and discoveries. Babies are starting to develop their senses and recognize familiar voices. With their eyes in the stage of accommodation, newborns can see objects at a distance of 20-25 cm, which is approximately the distance between the mother's face and the baby's face during breastfeeding. It is an essential time for emotional connection and the development of attachment.

Infant Stage (3-12 Months)

This stage is marked by great advances in motor skills. Around 3-4 months of age, most babies can lift their heads when placed on their tummies and begin to babble. As they move toward their first birthday, babies begin to crawl, stand with support, and even take their first steps. In addition to motor development, babies learn to express their emotions and communicate through gestures or sounds.

Toddler (1-3 Years)

During this period, children begin to explore the environment even more, develop their language and social skills. They begin to walk more confidently on their feet, improve their coordination and balance, and show their desire for independence. This is also the time when they can start to use simple words and form short sentences. Interaction with other children becomes fundamental, contributing to the development of empathy and the skills to share and play cooperatively.

Preschool (3-5 Years)

As children enter preschool, there is an explosion of their language, imagination, and authenticity in play. Children begin to ask more questions, understand complex concepts and use new words. Their fine motor development improves, allowing them to draw recognizable shapes and even write some letters. This is also the time when they develop self-control and begin to understand rules and routines.

The School-Age Child (6-12 Years)

This latter phase of childhood is when children become more independent, form their circle of friends and begin to develop their own interests. At school, they are now able to learn more complex subjects. Their social and emotional development is complex, learning to manage many relationships and express their emotions appropriately.


Child development is a fascinating and challenging process. As a parent, it is essential to be informed and provide your child with the necessary support to successfully navigate through each stage of development. By better understanding what is expected at each age, you will be able to detect any delays or problems and intervene when necessary. Remember, every child is different and will grow at their own unique pace, but a general guide can illuminate the best path to take.

How the Vaccination Schedule Changed in 2015: Updated Information

Vaccination remains one of the most effective ways to protect children's health against infectious diseases. In 2015, the vaccination schedule saw some changes, bringing changes to the vaccine schedule and immunization recommendations. It is important for parents to be aware of this updated information to ensure that their children receive the protection they need in a timely manner.

Changes in the Vaccination Schedule

The 2015 changes mainly concerned the administration interval of certain vaccines, as well as the introduction of new vaccines into the immunization schedule. For example, the hexavalent vaccine, which protects against six serious diseases, is now recommended from 2 months. Rotavirus vaccine has also been included in the schedule of compulsory vaccines for infants.

The Importance of Compliance with the Vaccination Schedule

Adherence to the vaccination schedule is crucial for the effective protection of children. Vaccines are designed to provide immunity before a child is exposed to potentially dangerous diseases. Ignoring or delaying vaccination can leave the child vulnerable to these infections and lead to the spread of disease in the community.


Updates to the 2015 vaccination schedule are an important step in protecting children's health. As a parent, it's important to understand these changes and discuss them with your pediatrician to make sure your child is up to date on vaccinations. By taking an active role in preventing disease through vaccination, you contribute to a healthier community for all children.

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