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How and How Fast the Child Grows: The Stages of Childhood


How and How Fast the Child Grows: The Stages of Childhood

When you become a parent, every day brings you new challenges and unique satisfactions. Your baby is growing at a dizzying speed and each stage of development comes with specific characteristics. In this guide, we'll explore the essential stages of childhood together, from newborn to school age, to help ease the tumultuous but wonderful journey that is raising a child.

Newborn Development (0-2 months)

Your baby's first few weeks are all about adaptation. Both for you and for the little one who is learning to live outside the mother's womb. During this period, the baby will spend most of its time sleeping and will need food every 2-3 hours. Don't worry if he doesn't recognize people or follow moving objects - his eyesight will develop significantly in the coming weeks.

Infant Stage (2-12 months)

Every month brings new surprises: smiles, babblings or even the first steps. During this time, your baby will learn to roll over, sit up and walk on his own. Games and interactions are crucial for emotional and cognitive development. Don't forget to talk to your baby - it's the first step in language development!

Toddler Period (1-3 years)

As your baby becomes a toddler, his independence will increase. He will learn to eat by himself, walk and speak in simple sentences. This is an exploratory stage, where curiosity should be your guide. This is the ideal time to introduce educational games and start establishing a routine.

Preschool phase (3-5 years)

Preschoolers are always on the move and always curious. This stage is characterized by a rapid development of language and the improvement of fine motor skills. Creativity is also in full bloom, so make sure you provide plenty of opportunities for art and play. Socialization begins to play an important role as preschoolers learn to share and collaborate with others.

Junior School Stage (5-7 years)

Once your child starts school, you will notice a change in his social and cognitive skills. Your child is now reading, writing and using basic math operations. This is the time when lasting friendships are formed and he begins to understand more complex concepts. It is important to support him in forming a positive relationship with learning.

High School Stage (7-12 years)

This stage brings new challenges in the child's emotional development. Self-awareness increases, as does peer pressure. Your child will begin to develop their own opinions and begin to test your boundaries. Encouraging responsibility and self-discipline is vital during this transitional period into adolescence.


I conclude this guide by remembering that every child is unique and will develop at their own pace. Monitor it closely and enjoy every victory - big or small. Armed with knowledge about the stages of childhood, you are better prepared to navigate the challenges and rewards of parenthood. Don't hesitate to look for additional resources or join parenting communities for advice and support. Let's raise healthy and happy children together!

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