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Tantrums in Children: When They Occur


Tantrums in Children: When They Occur

When it comes to parenting, nothing is more challenging than managing our children's tantrums. Understanding the times when they tend to occur, and knowing strategies to address them, can completely transform family dynamics. This comprehensive guide will show you what tantrums are, why they happen and how to manage them effectively.

Developmental Phases and Relationship to Tantrums

Children go through different stages of development, each coming with its own unique challenges.

Motor Development In the first years of life, children develop their motor skills, from sitting on their backs to riding a bicycle. This is a time when they are trying to exercise their independence, which can be the source of a lot of frustration and, by implication, tantrums.

Language development As they begin to speak, children are often overcome with a desire to communicate in a way that exceeds their current language ability. This "click" in children's development often coincides with an increase in tantrums, because the child knows what he wants to say, but cannot yet express it clearly.

Socio-Emotional Development In the process of growing up, children learn to manage their emotions and relationships. They test boundaries and explore autonomy, which can lead to conflict and, as a result, tantrums. The time when they begin to interact with other children and form their friendships is essential in educating them to manage their emotions.

Tantrums: Why They Occur

Tantrums often occur when children feel helpless or misunderstood. They can be triggered by different situations, such as the refusal of a request, changes in the daily routine or simply fatigue. It's important to remember that tantrums are normal behavior in children, especially between the ages of 1 and 4.

Tantrum Management

Parents and caregivers can play a key role in managing these difficult episodes. By remaining calm and offering empathy and understanding, adults can help the child get through these times more easily. It is also important to set clear and consistent boundaries to provide the child with a framework of emotional security.

Specific Intervention Strategies

There are several strategies parents can try when it comes to managing tantrums. Depending on the situation and the child's personality, some methods may be more effective than others.

Redirection of Attention Redirecting your child's attention to another activity can prevent or interrupt a tantrum. It's a strategy that works especially well with young children, who have short attention spans and can easily be distracted from the subject of their frustration.

Empathy Validating your child's emotions with phrases like, "I know you're upset that you can't have another piece of candy" helps them feel heard and understood, lessening the intensity of negative feelings.

Consistency and Routine Maintaining a daily routine and consistently enforcing rules can reduce the frequency and intensity of tantrums because children feel safer and less anxious when they know what to expect from their day.

Don't Reward Negative Behavior It is important not to give in to children's demands during a tantrum to avoid learning this inappropriate behavior as an effective method of getting what they want.

Make sure the Child is Rested and Fed Eat well and get enough rest, children are less likely to have tantrums. Make sure your child gets enough sleep and healthy snacks at regular intervals.


While tantrums are an inevitable part of growing up, managing them effectively can ensure they don't become a dominant feature of childhood. By understanding when tantrums tend to occur and implementing deliberate intervention strategies, we can help children navigate these challenges. As parents, it is essential to remain calm, empathetic and consistent, providing children with a safe environment in which to grow and learn.

If you have found yourself in this discussion and are looking for more parenting resources, we invite you to visit our store to discover a variety of products designed to support the harmonious development of your child, and do not forget to subscribe to our newsletter for additional tips and tricks!

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