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Criza Coronavirus: Voi Ce Faceți Acasă cu Copiii?

The Coronavirus Crisis: What Are You Doing at Home with the Children?


The Coronavirus Crisis: What Are You Doing at Home with the Children?

The coronavirus pandemic has radically changed the way we live, work and, most importantly, how we spend time with our children at home. More than ever, parents are put in a position to combine the role of educator with that of parent and playmate. That's why it's essential to have a complete guide to the essential stages at hand to help us navigate this unexpected time.

Motor Development

Even when we are isolated in the home space, the motor development of the child must not stop. We need to find creative and safe ways to encourage them to move, regardless of their age. Exercise not only supports their growth process, but is also a great way to burn off excess energy and reduce the stress of isolation.

An example would be creating a small obstacle course in the living room using cushions, chairs or toys, encouraging them to crawl, jump and crawl. These activities contribute to the development of gross motor skills and muscle strengthening.

Language development

Home isolation can also be a great opportunity for language development. Constant and interactive communication, reading together, role-playing, and even activities like cooking together can help improve a child's vocabulary and conversational skills.

It is important to talk to children, regardless of their age. A simple dialogue about how daily activities are going or what they think about certain topics can be very beneficial. We also ask questions that require more than a yes or no answer to encourage critical thinking and expression.

Emotional and Social Development

In addition to physical and cognitive aspects, emotional and social development is equally important, especially in times of crisis. Children can have intense emotional reactions during this time, from anxiety to frustration and boredom. It is our job as parents to give them the support they need to understand and manage these emotions.

A good starting point is to maintain a daily routine, set clear rules and give them a sense of safety and normalcy. Cooperative games and group activities, even with family members, promote the development of social skills and understanding of the concept of teamwork.

Education through play

Play is essential in a child's development, and at home there are countless possibilities to turn learning into fun. Educational games, puzzles, logic games or even educational apps for your tablet are great tools to keep your child's mind active.

To make these activities even more attractive, you can set goals or rewards, turning each successful lesson into a small victory. Remember that the reward does not necessarily have to be material; appreciation, hugs and time spent together are just as valuable.

Tips for Parents

In these challenging times, parents' mental health is just as important. Take time for yourself, even if it's just half an hour a day. Whether it's exercise, reading, or any other activity that brings you joy, make sure you give yourself those moments.

It's also essential to stay connected with other parents, whether online, through texting or video calling. Shared advice and a sense of community can bring great moral support. Remember: you are not alone in this situation.


In conclusion, this unusual time can be a unique opportunity to get closer to our children and give them the support they need to grow up healthy and happy. Motor development, language, emotions and education through play are just some of the aspects we can address at home, turning challenges into opportunities.

Don't forget to connect with us, share your experiences and look for inspiration or resources on our site. In these difficult times, together we can make a difference in the lives of our children. Subscribe to our newsletter for more information and ideas on how to navigate this period successfully.

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