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Gait Correction in Children: Causes and Solutions


Gait Correction in Children: Causes and Solutions


Parents look forward to the moment when their child begins to walk. It is a major step in his development, but sometimes this stage comes with certain challenges. Abnormalities such as walking on spikes, flat feet or uneven walking can occur, and identifying the causes and finding solutions can become a priority for parents. This article aims to explore the main causes that can affect how a child walks and provide practical recommendations for correcting them.

Motor Development

Understand the Basics

The process of motor development in children is complex and includes both coordination and muscle strength. Babies usually start walking between 9 and 18 months, and it's completely normal for them to walk unsteadily at first.

Common Causes of Gait Abnormalities

There are various causes that can cause abnormalities in children's gait, from orthopedic and neurological problems to wearing inappropriate shoes. Sometimes these problems correct themselves, but other times they may require specialist intervention.

Muscular Development

Importance of Muscle Tone

Muscle tone plays a crucial role in ensuring a correct and stable gait. Muscle weakness or hypertonia can affect how the child moves and balances.

Recommended Exercises and Activities

Certain exercises and physical activities, such as walking on sand or on soft surfaces, which increase reaction force and balance, may be recommended to strengthen the muscles.

Language development

Communication With The Child

Although it may seem surprising, the development of language has an influence on the formation of gait. Verbal instruction and encouragement are essential in motor learning processes.

The Role of Parental Encouragement

The way parents communicate and encourage the child can positively influence the development of walking. Children with a good communication relationship with their parents tend to take more motor risks, which is beneficial for experimentation and gait adjustment.

Footwear and Orthotics

Choosing the Right Footwear

Footwear plays an important role in developing a healthy gait. It must be comfortable, support the foot well and allow its natural movement.

Use of orthoses

In specific cases, orthotics may be recommended by specialists to help correct gait. These can range from simple splints to more complex devices that provide support and correction to the entire limb.

Specialist consultation

When Professional Help Is Needed

If parents notice abnormalities in the child's gait that persist over time or worsen, it is essential to consult a specialist. He will be able to provide a correct diagnosis and a personalized treatment plan.

Types of Specialists

The orthopedist, pediatrician, neurologist, and physical therapist are just a few of the specialists who can assist in evaluating and correcting gait problems in children. Each of them can contribute their expertise in solving the situation.

Therapeutic Alternatives

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is often the first line of treatment for walking problems. Through specialized exercises and rehabilitation methods, the physical therapist can help the child improve his walking.

Advanced technologies

In some specialized centers, state-of-the-art technologies such as walking platforms or exoskeletons can be used to help the child correct their position and movements while walking.

General Recommendations

Creating an Enabling Environment

Providing a safe and stimulating environment for walking is essential. Removing objects that the child might trip over and encouraging independent exploration are important steps.

Process Monitoring

Parents should monitor the child's progress and note any changes in the child's gait to communicate to the specialist. He can adjust the treatment plan according to the child's reaction.


A child's gait is an important indicator of his motor development and should be closely monitored. It is essential that parents understand the potential causes of gait problems and take informed action to help correct them. Consulting a specialist and following appropriate treatment strategies are essential steps in this process. At the same time, the role of encouragement and a loving environment at home should not be neglected, as they can increase the child's confidence in his own walking skills. If you want to find out more or find solutions for your child's walking problems, we invite you to access the other sections of our store or subscribe to our newsletter for tailored advice and recommendations.

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