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Child Development: A Complete Guide to the Essential Stages

Stage 1: The newborn The first steps into the big world are the most vulnerable and full of the unknown for both the baby and the parent. The first year of a child's life is essential and is divided into clearly defined sub-stages. From the first weeks, when the baby just sleeps and eats, to the moments when he starts to recognize faces and interact with those around him. It is important to know that each newborn follows its own pace of development, so there is no room for comparisons or unfounded worries.

Stage 2: Babies Infants, children aged between 1-12 months, are on the path of active discovery. Here we're talking about discovering movement, whether it's turning, crawling, or those first hesitant steps. Every movement is a victory and a step forward in motor development. In addition to these, infants also begin to develop communication skills, babbling and imitating the sounds they hear.

Stage 3: Little Childhood Between 1 and 3 years, we encounter a stage full of energy and curiosity. This is the period when the child learns to walk, talk and explore the world around with all the senses. Language development is crucial, and parents are encouraged to talk and read to their child frequently. Also, play becomes a primary tool for learning and social development.

Stage 4: Preschool The preschooler, or the child between the ages of 3 and 6, enriches his vocabulary and begins to form more complex sentences. Develops logical thinking and begins to understand more abstract concepts. This stage is also when emotions begin to be expressed in more varied ways, developing emotional intelligence.

Stage 5: School age Middle childhood, when the child is between 6 and 12 years old, is the golden period for cognitive development. The child accumulates knowledge at an amazing speed, being able to learn and apply new information. It is also the time when peer relationships and friendships become more important and have a greater impact on social development.

Conclusion In conclusion, child development goes through well-defined stages, each with its own particularities and challenges. It is important to understand each child's unique pace of development and to provide them with the support they need to get through these essential stages of childhood. Through involvement and attention, each parent can ensure the foundations of a harmonious and complete development. I encourage you to visit our store to find educational materials and toys to support your child's development and don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more information and useful tips!

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