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Consumul de Cafea și Ceai în Timpul Sarcinii și Alăptării

Coffee and Tea Consumption During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding


Child Development: A Complete Guide to the Essential Stages

As a parent or mother-to-be, your child's health and development are among the most important things. An essential aspect of this process is related to the mother's diet and lifestyle, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The question remains: Is it okay to drink coffee and tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding? This article aims to be a complete guide for you, explaining what you need to know about drinking these popular drinks during the mentioned periods.

The Influence of Coffee and Tea on Pregnant Women

Coffee and tea are two of the most consumed beverages globally, loved not only for their pleasant taste, but also for the stimulating effect due to their caffeine content. During pregnancy, the mother's body goes through major physiological changes, and caffeine can influence these changes.

Moderate coffee consumption, meaning a cup or two a day, is generally considered safe during pregnancy, according to many of the current studies. However, caffeine can cross the placental barrier and the fetus does not have the necessary enzyme to metabolize it efficiently. This can cause caffeine to build up in your child's system, affecting their heart rate and sleep pattern.

It is recommended that during pregnancy you should not exceed a daily intake of 200 mg of caffeine, which corresponds approximately to a cup of coffee. More than that could increase the risk of miscarriage and premature birth.

On the other hand, certain teas, such as herbal teas, may offer benefits during pregnancy due to their calming properties and low caffeine content. However, great care must be taken in the type of tea consumed, as some herbs can be unsafe or even dangerous during pregnancy.

Implications of Coffee and Tea During Breastfeeding

When considering breastfeeding, we also need to think about the caffeine content of coffee and tea. During breastfeeding, caffeine consumed by the mother can pass into breast milk and affect the baby.

Studies show that during breastfeeding, the amount of caffeine that reaches the baby is relatively small and is unlikely to be harmful if the mother consumes less than three cups of coffee a day. However, some children may be more sensitive to caffeine than others. So, if you notice that your baby is irritable or has trouble sleeping, it might be a good idea to cut back on coffee and tea.

It's important to stick to teas that are considered safe for breastfeeding, such as fennel or linden tea, and avoid teas that may reduce your milk supply or harm your baby, such as slimming tea or wormwood tea .

Healthy Alternatives to Coffee and Tea in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

For moms who want to avoid caffeine completely, there are plenty of healthy alternatives. Beverages such as chicory coffee or decaffeinated teas can provide the same comforting experience of a hot drink without the risks associated with caffeine.

In addition, there are a number of herbal teas that are recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, such as ginger tea, which can help relieve morning sickness, or peppermint tea, which is known for its relaxing properties.


In conclusion, drinking coffee and tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding can be safe if done in moderation and with caution. It is essential to be aware of the types of tea you choose and the amount of caffeine you consume. Since every pregnancy and breastfeeding period is unique, it's best to talk to your doctor about what's best for you and your baby.

If you want to learn more about the subject or find safe and natural products for you and your child, do not hesitate to visit our specially dedicated section of the store or subscribe to our newsletter for more information and useful tips.

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