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Colostrul: 3 Lucruri Pe Care Nu Le Știai Despre Aurul Lichid

Colostrum: 3 Things You Didn't Know About Liquid Gold


Colostrum: 3 Things You Didn't Know About Liquid Gold

Child Development: A Complete Guide to the Essential Stages

The newborn stage is the time when children are most vulnerable, but also most open to rapid and essential development. During this crucial period, colostrum plays a major role in the nutrition and immunization of babies. Although it is often underestimated or insufficiently known by new mothers, colostrum deserves special attention because it can significantly influence the course of a child's primary development.

What Is Colostrum and Why Is It So Important?

Colostrum, also known as "first milk", is secreted by the mother in the first days after birth and is a concentrated source of vital nutrients and antibodies. This yellowish, viscous liquid is not only the first food a newborn receives, it is also its first contact with the immune factors that will protect it in the first weeks of life.

Moreover, colostrum is rich in leukocytes, which are white cells that fight infections and support the baby's immune system. It also has a high content of vitamins, minerals and proteins, concentrating all these essential components in small amounts, easily digestible for the small stomach of the child.

#1 Colostrum Is A Natural Laxative

One of the lesser known things about colostrum is that it works as a natural laxative for newborns. This is crucial in the first few days of life as it helps to eliminate meconium – the baby's first stool, which is very viscous and can be difficult to pass. Thus, colostrum facilitates this transition of meconium, preventing jaundice in the newborn and contributing to good digestive health.

#2 Colostrum Forms Baby's Gastrointestinal Barrier

Another remarkable aspect of colostrum is its ability to contribute to the formation of the child's gastrointestinal barrier. It contains growth factors that help develop and close the intestinal wall, preventing the entry of bacteria and allergens that can cause inflammation or allergies. This barrier is vitally important to the long-term health of a child's digestive system.

#3 Colostrum Contributes to the Development of the Immune System

Colostrum is an essential element in the development of the child's immune system, containing antibodies called immunoglobulins. These antibodies are specific for the pathogens with which the mother came into contact, thus transferring a passive immunity to the newborn. In other words, the child receives temporary protection against diseases and infections until his own immune system becomes strong enough to take over the defense function.

Motor Development

Even though colostrum is not directly linked to motor development in a prominent way, it is indisputable that the nutrients and energy it provides to newborns contribute to the strength and vitality needed to begin exploring body movements such as sucking, reflex movements and eventually, the first times when he will start to crawl.

Colostrum is also rich in antioxidants that help protect developing nervous tissue, which can have a long-term impact on coordination and motor control.

Language development

Although the link between colostrum and language development is not direct, reports suggest that adequate nutrition in the first days and weeks of life can positively influence children's cognitive ability, including language development. Colostrum, being a source of essential fatty acids, contributes to brain development which is fundamental for language learning.


Colostrum, often called "liquid gold", is an elixir of nature that offers many benefits to babies in the first days of life. Given its essential role in immunological, gastrointestinal and nutritional development, it is important that mothers understand the value and importance of this precious fluid. By promoting breastfeeding and information about colostrum, we can ensure that all babies have the best start in life.

We encourage mothers to educate themselves and talk to specialists about the benefits of colostrum to make the best decisions regarding newborn nutrition. Remember, the start we give our children can influence their entire developmental trajectory. Subscribe to our newsletter for more information about colostrum and other useful tips for healthy baby growth.

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