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Cerclajul în Sarcină: Ce Este și Când Se Recomandă

Cerclage in Pregnancy: What It Is and When It Is Recommended


Cerclage in Pregnancy: What It Is and When It Is Recommended

Introduction to the Circle of Pregnancy

When it comes to pregnancy, every mother wants to protect her baby and ensure a normal development until the due date. Unfortunately, some women face the risk of miscarriage or premature birth, in which case doctors may recommend cervical cerclage. This medical procedure can play an essential role in maintaining a healthy pregnancy for certain cases with complications. In this article, we'll explore what cerclage means, when it's needed, and what the associated benefits or risks are.

Cervical Cerclage - What Does This Procedure Mean?

Cervical cerclage is a minor surgical intervention performed to prevent or delay premature birth. In this procedure, the cervix is ​​closed with strong threads to prevent it from opening prematurely. This is a term that many pregnant women have heard at least once from the obstetrician, but few know in detail what it refers to and under what conditions it is recommended.

Eligibility Criteria for Cerclaj

Not all pregnant women are candidates for cerclage. This procedure is intended for mothers who are at risk of premature birth or miscarriage due to cervical weakness. Cervical laxity, or cervical incompetence, is a medical condition in which the cervix begins to open (dilate) without contractions in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Some of the criteria for cerclage include the mother's history of preterm birth or miscarriage in the second trimester, changes in the cervix seen on ultrasounds, or a decreased length of the cervix. It is essential that the intervention is performed on time, ideally between weeks 14-16 of pregnancy, to maximize the chances of success.

Circlage Procedure - How Does the Intervention Take Place?

Cerclage is usually performed under local or spinal anesthesia and requires a short hospital stay. The doctor will use a speculum to open the vagina and thread around the cervix to close it. Depending on the type of cerclage, the threads will stay in place until a few weeks before your due date, or they will be removed when the pregnancy is far enough along to reduce the risk of premature birth.

It is important for the mother to follow the doctor's instructions after the procedure, which may include bed rest, avoiding physical exertion and sex, to reduce any potential risk that could compromise the pregnancy.

Risks and Complications of Cervical Cerclage

Any medical procedure comes with a degree of risk, and cerclage is no exception. Complications can include infections, bleeding, rupture of membranes or even placental abruption. That is why it is very important that the mother is carefully monitored by the doctor during the pregnancy and that she attends the consultation in case of any unexpected symptoms.

Life After Cerclage

Following the intervention, most women can lead a relatively normal life, with some restrictions related to physical activity. More prolonged rest or the use of supplemental progesterone may be recommended to support the pregnancy. More frequent medical check-ups may also be needed to monitor the condition of the mother and fetus.

Alternatives to Cerclaj

Cerclage is not recommended in all situations. Some women may benefit from alternative treatments such as lifestyle changes, medication to prevent premature contractions, or even an expectant approach under close medical supervision. It is essential to discuss all available options with your obstetrician.


Cervical cerclage can be a lifesaver for mothers and babies, preventing premature birth and other complications. It is essential to understand the procedure, know the risks and work closely with the medical team for a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery. If you are at risk of premature birth, talk to your doctor about cerclage and other methods of intervention to protect your pregnancy.

By following the advice of professionals and following the appropriate treatments, expectant mothers now have access to a wide range of options to support their pregnancy and welcome their babies with open arms at the right time.

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