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When I See Babies: All About Sight in Children


When I See Babies: All About Sight in Children

Just as the garden needs care to flourish, so your child's eyesight needs attention and care to develop properly. Sight is one of the essential senses through which your child explores the world. But when do babies start seeing clearly? What are the stages of visual development and how can you help him develop his vision? This comprehensive guide will answer all these questions and more.

Vision Development from Birth to 6 Months

From birth to the first month , babies see the world in shades of gray and can focus best on objects that are 20-30 centimeters away - about the distance to your face when you hold them in your arms. In the first month of life , the newborn's vision is limited to shapes and shadows, distinguishing between lights and shadows.

Around 2 months , babies begin to follow moving objects and respond to changes in facial expression, a sign that their vision is beginning to develop. At 3 months , they can distinguish colors, especially red and green.

Between 4 and 6 months , babies improve their ability to follow moving objects with their eyes and begin to coordinate their vision with hand movement. This is vital for the development of motor skills.

Vision Development from 6 Months to 12 Months

From 6 to 8 months , your baby's vision continues to develop, and now he can see further. In this range, you will notice that he is attracted to colored toys and begins to distinguish those with different shapes.

Between 9 and 12 months , babies further improve their distance vision and begin to understand the concept of perspective. They begin to reach for objects and explore them, which promotes the development of hand-eye coordination.

Common Vision Problems in Babies

Certain conditions, such as strabismus or amblyopia, can affect vision in childhood. It is important to look out for signs of possible vision problems, for example if your baby does not follow objects with his eyes or if one eye moves uncontrollably.

To prevent or treat these problems early, regular visits to the ophthalmologist are essential. You can also use toys and picture books to visually stimulate the baby.

Activities to Stimulate the Child's Vision

To stimulate the healthy visual development of your child, it is recommended to use color contrast in his toys. For example, black and white furniture hanging above the bed suitable for newborns. As he grows, introduce colorful toys to stimulate his color recognition.

Games of hide-and-seek and searching for objects improve his concentration and distance vision. Also, playing with balls and other objects that can be thrown and caught will help them develop hand-eye coordination.


Your baby's vision is a window to the world around him and plays a critical role in his overall development. By understanding the main stages of visual development and paying attention to the warning signs of vision problems, you can take the necessary steps to ensure healthy growth. Stimulate your child's vision with toys suitable for each stage, and don't forget the importance of regular eye exams.

The purpose of this article is to help you better understand how your child's vision develops and how you can contribute to harmonious visual development. If you found yourself in the information presented and want to know more, visit our special section for babies and mothers or subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates and useful tips.

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