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When Babies Are Teething: Teething - What You Need to Know


When Babies Are Teething: Teething - What You Need to Know

Waiting for your baby's first tooth is an exciting time for every parent. Although the process is natural, it can be accompanied by a series of signs and symptoms to alert us. In this article, we'll explore the topic of baby teething, giving you a complete guide and practical tips to navigate this stage with more confidence and peace of mind.

Understanding the Eruption Process

Teething is the process by which a child's teeth break through the gums and become visible in the oral cavity. This is an important milestone in the development of any person and, like any other stage of development, has its own timing and peculiarities.

Parents often wonder: " When do baby teeth come out? " Usually, the first tooth can appear when the baby is between 6 and 12 months old. However, it is important to remember that every child is different and some may have an earlier or later schedule.

Signs and Symptoms of Tooth Eruption

There are various signs and symptoms that a baby is about to have its first tooth. Some children may become irritable or fussy, others tend to gnaw on their fingers or toys to reduce their discomfort. You may also notice more drooling or even a slight redness of the gums.

Motor Development and Teething

The process of teething can influence the motor development of the baby. For example, the child may start bringing objects to his mouth in an effort to soothe his gums. This behavior not only helps relieve discomfort, but also encourages exploration and development of hand-eye coordination.

Language development

The teeth play an essential role in the development of language skills, being responsible for the articulation of certain sounds. As teeth erupt, parents may notice a change in the way their child produces certain sounds or words.

Diet and Tooth Eruption

Teething can also have an impact on your baby's diet. Because the baby may experience discomfort and even pain, his appetite may decrease temporarily. Parents should be prepared to offer soft foods and be sympathetic to potential changes in the child's feeding habits.

Oral Hygiene and First Teeth

It is essential to start taking care of your child's oral hygiene as soon as the first tooth appears. Using a soft toothbrush and a minimal amount of toothpaste can help prevent tooth decay and maintain oral health.

Management of Dental Eruption Discomfort

To relieve the discomfort associated with teething, parents can use different methods. Teething rings, massaging the gums or using special gels can be very helpful. It is important to always consult a doctor before using homeopathic medicines or remedies.

Useful accessories during the period of tooth eruption

There is a wide range of products on the market designed to help children during teething. From teething rings and toys to special bibs for excessive drooling, parents can choose the most suitable and safe options for their baby.

When to Consult the Doctor

Although most symptoms of tooth eruption are mild and manageable, there are situations when it is recommended to seek medical advice. If your baby has a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting, these could be signs that something other than teething is going on and needs medical attention.


Teething is an important time in a child's life, and while it can come with challenges, there are many strategies parents can use to assist and ease their baby's discomfort. With proper information, patience and care, this natural process can be successfully navigated. For more tips and products to help you during this time, feel free to visit the baby section of our store or subscribe to our newsletter for the latest information and recommendations.

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