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The Baby's Playhouse: A Useful Guide for New Parents


The Baby's Playhouse: A Useful Guide for New Parents

Becoming a parent is an adventure in itself, but when it comes to caring for your little one, uncertainties and questions arise. One of the daily activities that can cause stress is baby changing. That's why this article aims to provide a clear and structured guide to make this moment a pleasant experience for both baby and parents.

Preparing for the Boy

Before putting the baby in the bath, it is essential to have everything ready and at hand. It means having the towels, clean diapers, clothes and all the baby accessories - like soap, shampoo, water toys and any creams or lotions you use after the bath. The room temperature should be comfortable to avoid any thermal shock for the baby.

Choosing the Right Moment

Is there a right time to bathe the baby? Yes and no. Some babies prefer to be bathed in the morning, while others relax better in the water in the evening before bed. Parents will need to experiment and observe their baby's reactions to decide what works best.

Water temperature

Controlling the water temperature is an essential step in ensuring baby's comfort and safety. Ideally, the water should be lukewarm, around 37 degrees Celsius. Using a bath thermometer can help keep the water temperature constant.

Bath technique

When it comes to actually washing the baby, the technique is simple but requires attention. Start by cleaning the baby's face and head, then gradually move on to the rest of the body, using one hand to support and the other to wash. You don't need a lot of soap: babies' skin is delicate and doesn't require aggressive cleaning.

After the Bath: Wrapping in Towels

After the bath has been completed, the baby will need to be quickly wrapped in a soft towel so that he does not catch a cold. One more moment to make sure it dries well, especially in areas with skin folds to prevent irritation.

Application of Moisturizing Cream or Lotion

Baby's skin is sensitive and can dry out very quickly, so it is recommended to use a cream or lotion specially designed for babies. It should be applied with gentle movements, so as not to irritate the skin and to provide a moment of relaxation and emotional connection between parent and child.

Safety in the Time of the Boy

Safety must always come first. Never leave your baby unattended in the tub, not even for a second. Also, make sure that the baby is always well supported during the bath and that the water is never too deep.

Building a Pleasant Routine

Gradually, the bath can become a pleasant routine, a bonding moment between parent and baby. By adding bath toys and songs, you can make this a fun and relaxing time for your little one.

Tips and Tricks

Some tricks can help make the change easier, such as using a spray bottle to gradually wet the baby's hair or using a hood to prevent water from getting into the baby's eyes.


Baby shower should not be seen as a chore, but as a moment of closeness and play. Proper preparation, choosing a good time and following simple safety steps can make washing a pleasant experience for the whole family. Over time, you'll discover what works best for your baby, and bed time will become a routine that you both enjoy.

For more baby care tips and products, feel free to visit the special section of our store or subscribe to our newsletter. We wish you peaceful baths and memorable moments with the little ones!

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