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5 Unknown Things About Baby Walking


Motor Development of Babies

It is fascinating to watch how a tiny newborn begins to explore the world, gradually developing its motor skills. The process of learning to walk is a complex stage that begins long before the baby takes its first steps.

Preparation For Walking Begins From Birth

From the first weeks of life, babies develop the necessary strength to be able to support their own body weight. Through simple movements like lifting their head during tummy time, they strengthen their neck, shoulder and back muscles. These activities are essential for future walking.

The first postures of preparation for walking

After about 6 months, many babies begin to sit on their bottoms without support, an important stage that contributes to the development of balance and coordination. Later, crawling and crawling are the precursors to walking, each of these activities having its role in the discovery of motor independence.

The Role of Walking the Bus

After all, it represents a crucial chapter in the motor development of the baby. More than just a form of locomotion, walking strengthens the muscles needed to stand and walk, while developing cognitive skills by exploring space and different perspectives.

Benefits of Toys and Supportive Furniture

Once babies stand up, they often lean on furniture or toys that give them stability. Push toys, for example, encourage little ones to take steps forward while giving them the support they need to keep from falling.

The Importance of Encouragement and Patience

In this process, the role of parents is invaluable. Encouragement and patience are key elements in creating a safe and positive environment that encourages babies to continue their efforts to walk. Each baby has its own pace of development, so comparing with other babies may not always be relevant or helpful.

Language development

In parallel with motor development, babies also develop their communication skills. Babies' language and understanding is as fascinating as their physical development is complex.

Pre-verbal communication

Before they speak, babies communicate through different sounds, gestures and facial expressions. Babbling is a prelude to speech and is an important stage in language development, allowing them to experiment with sounds and intonations.

First Words

Words begin to appear around the age of one, and a baby's vocabulary develops rapidly once they begin to imitate the sounds and words they hear around them. It's essential to talk to babies, even if they don't understand everything yet, to shape their language skills.

The Role of Games and Stories

Children's books and stories are valuable tools in language development because they familiarize little ones with the structure and rhythm of language. Role plays and songs are also effective ways to stimulate language learning in a fun and interactive way.

Encouraging Conversations

Constant dialogue with the baby stimulates language development. By asking simple questions and waiting for their answers (even non-verbal), parents can encourage their little ones to express their wishes and feelings, thus contributing to the development of communication skills.


Walking and talking are two of the most impressive skills a baby will learn in the first months of life. It is important to be aware that each child is unique and will develop at their own pace. Let's not forget that a positive attitude, patience and encouragement play a crucial role in this complex and miraculous process.

In this regard, we invite you to visit our section dedicated to parents and babies, where you can find many resources and products designed to support and enrich these critical stages of your child's life. Also subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest news and advice from our child development specialists.

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